At this time, a soft body suddenly pasted behind him, and someone hugged him tightly, "Han Wang, what's the matter with you? Are you very hot now, do you want me to help you cool down?"

Zhang Han wanted to get rid of the woman behind him, but his hands didn't seem to work. When she came over, he only felt that his hot body was cooler.

He was thirsty, and the woman's body behind him seemed to quench his thirst.

Seeing that he didn't refuse, Guerlain felt proud. She knew that the medicine had worked. Her little hand climbed slowly up and touched Zhang Han's strong chest muscles. He was in good shape. He was as wild and evil as his people.

"Han Wang, I'm here." she wanted to untie Zhang Han's dress belt.

But then Zhang Han turned around and pushed her away, "get out!"

Zhang Han's strength was so strong that Guerlain didn't stand firm and hit the table and chair all at once.


It hurts.

Zhang Han looked at Guerlain with a gloomy face. "Did you move your hands and feet?"

No, has she been found?

Guerlain quickly shook her head in tears and asked, "King Han, what are you talking about? I can't understand you at all. Just now I slept well and saw you get up and drink water. King Han, I have loved you for a long time and have always taken you to heart. Why don't you spoil me?"

Guerlain cried.

Zhang Han has been walking on the road. He has seen a lot of such indiscriminate means. Now his body is hot and dry. He knows his traditional Chinese medicine at a glance.

However, he is not sure where he bought Chinese medicine.

"No one has ever dared to hit me with such an idea. It's best not to let me find out that this matter has something to do with you. Otherwise, you should know your own end!" Zhang Han narrowed his narrow eyes dangerously.

Guerlain was secretly frightened. Most men can't stand smelling this fragrance for a long time, but Zhang Han's concentration and endurance are so strong. The world saw that he had a huge harem with all kinds of beauties, and he was also romantic, but everyone was cheated by his appearance.

"King Han, I really don't understand what you're talking about..."

Zhang Han doesn't want to waste his time here. He will find out who is doing evil in it.

Zhang Han snorted coldly and left.

Where is he going?

Guerlain always wondered if Zhang Han didn't favor other beauties, including Lin buran. Lin buran is likely to be just like her.

Guerlain quickly followed out. She wanted to see who Zhang Han would look for now?

Is there something wrong with his health or his orientation.

In the corridor, Zhang Han strode out. He came to Lin buran's door, raised his hand and knocked on the door, "Lin buran, it's me, open the door quickly!"

Guerlain's footsteps stagnated, and he knocked on Lin buran's door. Is it true that he and Lin buran?

Guerlain's eyes began to twinkle.

There was no sound in the room.

Lin buran didn't open the door and didn't even make a sound.

"Lin buran, open the door!" Zhang Han shouted a lot. Then he put his big hand on the doorknob and wanted to open the door directly.

However, the door was locked inside.

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