Lin buran is looking forward to Zhang Han's expression when he sees his face. It will be wonderful.

At this time, the sound of the car stopping came from outside, and Zhang Han came back.

Lin buran knows that there must be a lot of people below. These beauties are like getting paid. They will wait for Zhang Han to go home on time every day, just to make Zhang Han see himself more.

And they cheated her to drink tea. They must be very anxious to see if she was disfigured.

Then she'll go down and never let them down.

Lin buran opens the door and goes out.

Zhang Han came back as expected. The maid opened the door and his tall body appeared in sight.

All the beauties were there, one by one, and they wanted to jump on him. They cried out, "King Han, you're back."

Zhang Han has no expression.

Lin buran went down the stairs. At this time, a sharp eyed beauty suddenly found her. "Ah" a scream sounded immediately, "look, look at what happened to her face?"

Everyone's eyes "brush" fell on Lin buran's face. In fact, they had been looking forward to seeing this scene for a long time. Now they were happy, but they had to pretend to be surprised, shocked and terrible on the surface.

"Ah, what happened to her face? Why did so many red spots appear?"

"Is her face disfigured?"

"Disfigurement is not terrible. If it is an infectious disease, it will be terrible. We will all be infected."

Those beauties retreated one after another, as if Lin buran had transmitted the virus to them.

Zhang Han's eyes also fell on Lin buran's face. His eyes immediately sank, pulled out his long legs and went up, "Lin buran, what's the matter with your face?"

Lin butran pretended not to know and touched his face. "What's wrong with my face? I don't know."

Zhang Han pulled her fiber arm and took her to a mirror. "Look for yourself."

As soon as Lin buran's pupil shrinks, he covers his face and screams, "what's wrong with my face, how am I disfigured?"

At this time, the housekeeper quickly came forward, "master, please stay away from Miss Lin. if this is an infectious disease, it will infect you."

"Yes, King Han, come here quickly and don't get close to Lin buran." the beauties called to Zhang Han.

Zhang Han had no expression, but his handsome eyebrows were covered with a light haze. He looked at Lin buran, "your face, you really don't know what's going on?"

What's his problem?

Lin buran just thinks that his eyes are too sharp. He is about to see through her like a hawk and falcon.

"I don't know," Lin Bu ran denied.

Zhang Han pursed his thin lips. "Go and call a doctor and check what's going on?"

"Han Wang, how can Lin buran deal with it? She can't sleep anymore like this. Take down her sign and wait until she's ready."

"Yes, and then let her move out of her current room. Her room is next to you. The virus infection is very strong."

"Put Lin buran in the abandoned backyard. Keeping her away from everyone is also responsible for everyone's health."

The beauties couldn't wait to say.

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