Zhang Han saw her at a glance. She was still quiet and not surprised by honor or disgrace. He looked at her in the distance for a while, and then came forward and sat beside her.

His movements were very light, and Lin buran was too involved, so he didn't see him at all.

Zhang Han didn't bother. He took out the documents and began to review them. The whole world was quiet.

I don't know how long it took Lin buran to make a design. She was very satisfied with this design. She was full of inspiration tonight.

She put down her picture book and was ready to pour herself a cup of hot water. Unexpectedly, a hand suddenly stretched out and handed her a glass of water.

"Thank you." Lin Bu ran took the water and took a sip.

But before the water choked, Lin buran froze. Where's the hand, where's the water?

Lin buran slowly turned his head and looked at the people around him.

Zhang Han looked at her and smiled pleasantly.


Lin buran sprayed a mouthful of water directly on Zhang Han's face.

"Brush" once, Zhang Han's handsome face is all black.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I'll clean it for you now." Lin buran doesn't know how he ran to himself and pretended to frighten her, but she knows that he loves cleanliness and has a habit of cleanliness. She sprayed water on his face. It's estimated that he had the heart to kill her.

Lin butran hurriedly wiped Jun's face with his sleeves.

Zhang Han thought she was intentional, so he grabbed her slender wrist, "Lin buran, your skin itches, isn't it?"

He slapped her in the face.


Lin Bu ran was scared and hid.

But the slap didn't fall. Lin buran secretly opened his eyes and looked at him. It turned out that he stopped in mid air.

"I... I really didn't mean it. You should calm down first." Lin buran quickly explained.

Zhang Han looked at her. Although her face was destroyed, her eyes were still so beautiful. They were like gurgling spring water and could speak. They were flirting. Maybe they described her.

Zhang Han took back his big hand and said, "you're so ugly! You're so ugly now!"

Lin buran, "... OK, I'm ugly, King Han. Why do you have this spare time to see an ugly? What's good about ugly?"

Lin buran pulled back his wrist.

However, it didn't succeed, because Zhang Han pulled her directly into his arms, "ugly doesn't look good, but ugly tears should look good."

"Tears? Why should I cry?"

"Have you been abandoned and become a cold palace concubine? Shouldn't you shed tears?"

Lin buran thought for a moment. It's really this reason. "The king of Han should go back early. These red spots on my face not only haven't disappeared, but also more and more. I'm afraid it's really an infectious disease. It will infect you at that time."

Zhang Han narrowed his narrow eyes and looked at her up and down, "these red dots have been spread to you?"

what do you mean?

"Let me see if you have been infected!"

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