Why is he still there?

Lin buran looked at his sleeping face. He was a little less violent when he fell asleep, but his handsome face was full of swords and eyebrows. He was handsome and wild, which was difficult to be ignored.

At this time, Lin buran felt that she had met a hard thing. She looked down and saw that it was a gun.

The black gun was inserted into his trousers. He even took it with him when he fell asleep.

Lin buran suddenly has a killing intention. If... If he disappears from the world, she will be free.

Her relatives and friends will no longer be threatened. In the future, she can breathe freely.

Lin buran reaches out and pulls out the gun at his waist. She points the cold muzzle of the gun at Zhang Han in her sleep.

Shoot, this is a great opportunity. If you miss this opportunity, I'm afraid she will rot here all her life.

As long as she pulled the trigger, he died, and the nightmare of her life disappeared. Lin buran, shoot.

A voice in her heart has been urging Lin buran, but Lin buran can't get off her hand. She holds the cold thing tightly and has dragged her knuckles to white.

Her white eyes were red. Finally, she closed her eyes in pain, and the gun in her hand fell on the bed.

She can't help it.

She really can't do it.

She hates me.

Hate your incompetence.

At this time, a lazy voice came from my ear, "why, don't you want to kill me?"

Lin Bu ran suddenly raised his hand and hit Zhang Han's deep eyes.

Zhang Han didn't know when he would wake up. He was leisurely watching her struggling, like the king who controls everything from above.

"You... When did you wake up?"

Zhang Han picked a sword eyebrow, "when you have a killing intention for me, I wake up."

Lin Bu was in a cold sweat. It turned out that he had already woke up, but he quietly observed himself. If she had just shot, it was estimated that he was not dead, she would have been dead.

So terrible.

This man is terrible.

At this time, Zhang Han got up. He slowly sorted out his clothes, and then inserted the gun on the bed back into his waist. He paced to the head of the bed, reached out his hand to hold Lin buran's small jaw and forced her to look at him.

"Just now, why didn't you shoot? Why, do you like me?"

Lin Bu Ran's eyes burst into tears. "No, I just... Don't want to be like you. You're not worth it."

Zhang Han paused for a moment, then released her, said nothing, but strode away.

Zhang Han's face was not good. It was cloudy since he left the door, because he was pointed at by a woman with a gun.

All these years, he lived a life of licking blood at the edge of a knife. Even when he fell asleep, he didn't dare to let himself sleep soundly. He had to keep a high degree of soberness. However, he slept well until Lin buran had a strong sense of killing, he suddenly woke up.

This is definitely the first time.

He was pointed at with a gun.

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