Lin buran quickly picked up the gift box on the ground and protected the things Lu Yu gave her in her arms. She looked up at Zhang Han.

Zhang Han put his hand around Guerlain and patted her on the shoulder. "Well, it's all right. I'll decide for you."

"Thank you, King Han. Lin buran must have been out of favor for too long and lost his mind. King Han, I'm so afraid." Guerlain got into Zhang Han's arms.

Zhang Han looked down at the embarrassed Lin buran. He really didn't see her fighting spirit before.

I didn't expect her to tear with women.

"Lin buran, you really don't have any rules. What do you think this is, the vegetable market?" Zhang Han scolded unhappily.

Lin Bu ran, "she took my things!"

"King Han, it's just a box. I look beautiful, so I want it. King Han, give me that box." Guerlain still wants the box.

Zhang Han glanced at the box in Lin buran's arms. "Who gave it to you?"

Lin butran told the truth, "give it to me. I'm going to show it to my brother. If someone else takes it, I'm sure it will bring you trouble."

When it comes to Lu Yu and Shangguan ink, Zhang Han really doesn't want to touch it, but he smiled, "Lin buran, now I give you two choices, first, give the box to Guerlain, second, apologize to Guerlain and say sorry to Guerlain!"

Lin buran doesn't want to apologize to Guerlain. She knows that Zhang Han is insulting her pride and dignity. He knows that this box is very important to her.

Lin Bu ran stared at Zhang Han with a round almond eye.

Zhang Han was in a good mood when he saw that she was angry for no reason. "Lin buran, you can make your choice."

Lin buran didn't hesitate. She went to Guerlain and lowered her head. "Guerlain girl, I'm sorry, I'm sorry to hit you. I hope you can forgive me."

Guerlain was so happy, "King Han, my wound hurts now."

"Well, I'll go to your room tonight to help you heal and ensure that the medicine will get rid of the disease." Zhang Han recalled his evil smile.

Guerlain was immediately amused. "Really? King Han must come tonight."

Lin butran felt sick when she saw these two people. She left and wanted to go back to her cold palace.

"Lin buran, did I let you go? Stop!" Zhang Han pushed away Guerlain and stretched out his hand to drag Lin buran.

Lin Bu ran opened his mouth and bit Zhang Han's arm.


Zhang Han immediately ate the pain. She used a lot of strength and probably wanted to bite out his meat.

At this time, Lin buran released him, turned and ran away.

"Han Wang, are you all right? Lin buran is too bold!"

"Oh, King Han, your arm is bleeding. Lin buran bit you and bled."

Blood seeped out of his clothes. She really bit him and bled.

Zhang Han looked at the direction of her disappearance and licked her dry thin lips with the tip of his tongue. Originally, he wanted to let her go, but she just hit him at the muzzle of the gun.

He has been a vegetarian for many days. A vigorous man has normal needs.

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