Lu Zhen sat on the bench in the corridor. Today she had a poor appetite and still didn't eat anything. Aunt Zhou went to fetch some hot water.

At this time, the nurse shouted, "Miss Lu, it's your turn. You can come in."

Lu Yu immediately wanted to get up.

But a burst of pain came from her ankle. She sat back in her chair, and her white eyes were red.

Shangguan Mo found her abnormal and quickly came over. He whispered, "what's the matter?"

Now he was standing and she was sitting. Lu didn't look up at him, but whispered, "can you call aunt Zhou for me?"

Shangguan Mo frowned, "I won't call for you. Tell me what you have."

He was so ruthless that Lu Zhen's grievances and sadness spread upward, "crackling", and the tears in his eyes fell violently.

She cried again?

Shangguan Mo felt a pain in his heart and immediately squatted on one knee to keep himself at the same height as her, "Lu Lu, don't cry, do you hear me?"

Lu Yi reached out and wiped her tears carelessly, and the tears fell on the back of her hand.

Beichi clenched her red lips. She forced herself not to cry. She didn't want to arouse his disgust again.

Shangguan Mo saw that she had bitten her red lips white. Her delicate rhombic lips, snow-white skin, dark long hair and clear appearance of tears made him upset and his blood gas collided in disorder.

"I'll ask you again what's the matter, talk!" He accentuated his voice.

Lu Zhen trembled with the wet Yujie. His eyes were red and looked at him. His voice was broken and soft. "My feet cramped and I can't stand up."

Shangguan Mo immediately pursed his lips. He reached out and held her slender ankles.

Lu Zhen was so frightened that she drew her feet back.

But Shangguan Mo didn't give her a chance. He took off her shoes and socks. His slender fingers fell on her ankles to help her move her muscles and bones. "Does it hurt here?"

Isn't he bored?

Lu Yi nodded, "yes."

Shangguan Mo held her little foot in one hand, grabbed her jade like little foot in the palm of his hand, and kneaded and massaged her in the other hand.

Lu Yu immediately felt much better in the cramp, but her feet were in his palm, and the blush of shame immediately climbed up the earlobe. She quickly said, "well, well, it doesn't hurt."

Shangguan Mo stopped, and Lu Yu hurriedly pulled his little feet back.

"Lu Lu, it's your turn. Come in quickly." The nurse is urging.

Lu zhe bent down and wanted to pick up her socks and put them on, but she had a big stomach and her movements were very clumsy. At this time, Shangguan Mo picked up the pair of tender yellow socks, and he put them in her little feet.

He's helping her with her socks.

At this time, the envious voice of other pregnant women came to my ears, "Wow, you see how other people's husbands are so gentle and considerate and help wear socks. It's so happy. Sure enough, good husbands are from other people's homes."

Lu Yu didn't know what to say.

At this time, Shangguan Mo suddenly looked up at her, "can you go by yourself?"

"What?" Lu Yu didn't understand.

The next second, Shangguan Mo got up and directly picked her up from the bench.

He hugged her easily with her lovely woolen shoes in his hand and directly carried her into the four-dimensional color ultrasound room.

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