Lu Yu snorted and reluctantly stretched out his tongue to lick the blood on his neck.

Shangguan Mo only felt that something warm and slippery touched him and went away gently, like a small fan gently brushing his calm heart lake, making him ripple in circles.

The tall JUNBA's body suddenly stiffened. He only felt an unknown evil fire coming out of his waist and abdomen, and then attacked his whole body.

He quickly collected Jun's eyes, "don't lick, clumsy."

He shouted to stop.

Lu Lu couldn't wait. "Shangguan Mo, are you coming to your aunt and your temper has become so uncertain?"

Shangguan Mo ignored her and put her directly on the bed in the color ultrasound room.

The doctor began to check, "father to be, you help push up the mother to be's skirt, and I began to do four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound."

"I'll do it myself." Lu Yi wants to reach out.

But she had a big stomach and it was difficult to remember. Shangguan Mo could only reach out and picked up her skirt.

Her beautiful legs were first exposed in the sight. After her pregnancy, her skin was whiter and more delicate, like lanolin, which people couldn't help but want to touch.

Shangguan Mo tried not to look at it and think about it. He pushed the skirt all the way to her belly, revealing her sharp little belly.

His bones and blood are in it.

Shangguan Mo's eyes began to soften.

"Well, we'll start checking now."

"The baby looks very healthy and lively. He is spinning in his mother's amniotic fluid and spitting bubbles. It's so cute."

"The baby should be more like his father. It's a handsome boy who didn't run away."

Shangguan Mo saw his baby so dynamically and clearly for the first time. He felt that his scarred heart had been completely cured. This was the crystallization of him and Lu Yu. Although he didn't walk together, it was also a perfection in another sense.

The four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound was over, and the two came out. At this time, aunt Zhou came, "Shangguan, young master, the inspection is over. Then I'll take the princess back."

So fast.

She's leaving.

Shangguan Mo looked at her bulging stomach and frowned, "now I just have a four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound, and I still need to do some other tests."

Aunt Zhou said, "Shangguan, young master, there is no need to do other examinations. The princess's body is conditioned by my mother. Besides, other examinations need blood tests, and the princess's body can't stand it."

Shangguan murmured for a moment, "OK, I'll take you back."

Three people entered the elevator and were ready to go downstairs. At this time, many people poured into the elevator and became crowded.

Lu Zhen didn't know who squeezed herself. She quickly protected her stomach with her hand. At this time, a healthy arm stretched out, and she fell directly into a warm and broad arms.

Shangguan Mo hugged her and turned sideways, protecting her in the corner of himself and the elevator.

In this way, no one can squeeze her.

"Are you okay?" Shangguan Mo asked her in a low voice.

Lu Yi shook his head. "It's all right... Do you want to touch the baby?"

She was going home and asked him if he wanted to touch the baby before she left.

Shangguan Mo didn't speak and stared at her.

Lu Yu slowly stretched out two small hands, held his big palm, and then pulled his big palm to his stomach.

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