Shangguan Mo frowned. "Do you think I'll be relieved to leave my son in the street?"


"I said for a day. It's only half a day now. It's not too late to send you back when I'm finished." Shangguan Mo's attitude is very domineering and strong, which is indisputable.

Aunt Zhou didn't speak. The steering wheel was in his hand. He said whatever he said.


Soon, Lu Zhen got off the bus. Looking at the villa in front of her, she suddenly felt like an afterlife. When she left five months ago, she thought she would never come back

But now she's back.

Back to their love nest, back to this place full of laughter. How many nights they spent hugging each other here, and Xiaoye was pregnant in this place.

The maid opened the door, "master, the meal is ready for dinner."

Lu Zhen came to the table. The table was full of her favorite tastes. Shangguan Mo had not forgotten these.

Although aunt Zhou was a little reluctant, she could see that the senior official young master was still very interested in his princess and the children in his belly, so she said, "princess, since you're here, you can eat at ease."

"OK." Lu Zhen sat down and Shangguan Mo sat opposite.

"Princess, I'll peel some shrimp for you. Eating more shrimp is good for the fetus." Aunt Zhou pushed the shelled shrimp to Lu Yu's hand.

Shangguan Mo on the opposite side had already peeled several prawns. When he wanted to push the prawns to Lu Yu, who knew that Aunt Zhou robbed him first, Shangguan Mo said, "..."

She likes to eat shrimp, but she doesn't like to peel shrimp. He used to peel shrimp for her. When she was just pregnant, he could take care of her life. Now, she doesn't need him. Aunt Zhou, who is an eyesore, has been around her. He doesn't even have a chance to get close.

After dinner, Lu Yu wants to eat something sour. She is very acidophilic after pregnancy. They all say sour children are hot women, which is still reasonable.

When she saw a small yogurt on the fridge, she tiptoed to get it.

But because of her height, she couldn't get it.

Shangguan Mo stood behind and looked at her clumsy appearance, like a little penguin, but he was very cute. He came forward to help.

But aunt Zhou took another step first. "Princess, do you want yogurt? Let me help you."

Aunt Zhou took down the yogurt and handed it to Lu Yu.

Shangguan ink, "..."

Lu zhe took the yogurt and turned around. At this time, she saw Shangguan mo. she wanted to talk to Shangguan Mo, but before she could speak, Shangguan Mo snorted coldly, brushed her sleeves, went upstairs and entered the study.

What's his matter?

Lu Yu thought he was inexplicable. Where did she offend him?

Aunt Zhou came here. She had already seen through Shangguan Mo's careful thinking. She whispered, "princess, we'll stay down for a while. When Shangguan young master is finished, we'll take us back. Don't go upstairs, you know?"

"Why not go upstairs? Are there any monsters on it?" Lu Yu didn't understand.

Ready to let aunt Zhou's face be red. Her silly princess knows nothing. I don't know that there's a wolf on the floor who has been staring at her. "Princess, in short, you remember that you are pregnant now, and you must not be close to men. It's risky, you know what?"

What is aunt Zhou talking about?

Lu Yu's face turned red. She had been separated from Shangguan Mo for so long. She thought about how to protect her fetus every day. She never thought about it. She didn't

"Aunt Zhou, what are you talking about? I know. Don't talk nonsense." Lu Yu turned and left.

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