
At this time, the knock of "knock knock" suddenly sounded, and someone was knocking at the door.

It was evening, and he entered her room again. As long as he had a little eyesight, he wouldn't knock at this time unless there was something urgent.

"Zhang Han, someone is knocking at the door, someone!" Lin buran sees hope. She hopes Zhang Han can stop his atrocities and don't touch himself tonight.

Zhang Han frowned and was a little unhappy, but it didn't affect his mood to taste the delicious food. "Ranran, don't be distracted. I like you to focus on me."


At this time, the knock of "knock knock" sounded again, and there was a confidant's voice outside the door, "master, I have something important to report."

Now Zhang Han's face is completely bad. He doesn't like to be disturbed at this time, which will only spoil his fun.

Zhang Han opened the door of the bathroom. He stared coldly at his confidant outside. "You'd better make sure it's really urgent, or you'll know the consequences."

My confidant looked at Zhang Han, "master, I have news of Miss Ranran."


A word directly opened the pot. Lin buran Yujie trembled heavily, while Zhang Han by the door was stiff.

"What do you say? Make it clear!" Zhang Han came forward and grabbed his confidant's collar with emotion.

His eyes were red, and his eyes seemed to be congested. Ran Ran, that's his ran.

"Master, we have found lady Ranran." Innermost channel.

Urana is dead, but now Urana is resurrected.

Lin buran's inner shock was beyond words.

At this time, Zhang Han threw away his men and rushed out, "where's Urana? Call people immediately. I want to see Urana now. I want to take Urana home!"

Zhang Han left with his hands.

Lin buran stayed alone in the bathtub. She was relaxed for a long time. The white moonlight hidden in Zhang Han's heart came back.

It's really white moonlight. Just now he heard the name, his veins burst up, and he was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

The last second he wanted to take off his pants, and the next second he left her here to look for the white moonlight.

Lin buran is not sad at all. On the contrary, she is very happy. She is really very happy. When his time comes back, there is no need for her double shadow. He will let her go.

Even if he doesn't let her go, he won't touch her in her room again.

It's great. She was in a desperate situation. Everything was due to the return of this man.

Lin butran took a bath and climbed into bed to sleep. The sleep was very comfortable and beautiful. There was no dream all night.

When she woke up, it was early the next morning. She opened the door and looked. The maids outside were busy.

"Hurry up. Miss Urana has just been picked up by her master. The master is in pain as a baby. You should be careful not to make any mistakes."

"Lady Ranran likes white dress. Let's make a custom white dress quickly."

"Miss Ranran likes a lighter taste. She changes the cook and looks for the cook in Jiangnan Water Town."

"All the sofa carpets here need to be changed. Change them to the color that girl Urana likes. Speed up."

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