
Hearing that Xia Xiwan made trouble again, director Zhou's face became very ugly. She looked at Xia Xiwan seriously. "Xia Xiwan, what's the matter with you? Why do you say it's you who save people? After saving people, I must punish you well!"

Xia Yanyan hook lip, "director Zhou, don't worry about these now. It's important to save people. I'll give the old lady a golden needle to prick the acupoints."

Said Xia Yanyan took out a gold needle, she looked to Xia Xiwan, "Wan Wan, you see clearly."

Xia Yanyan stabbed the gold needle in her hand into the old lady's acupoint.

Xia Xiwan stands at one side to watch, her bright Jian pupil overflows the light surprise, she did not expect that Xia Yanyan really will have the golden needle to prick the acupoint.

Ye Ling once suspected that since she went back to the countryside, Xia Yanyan's medical skills have improved by leaps and bounds.

summer sunset beautiful as like as two peas, and Xia Yanyan's golden needle puncturing point is exactly the same as the memory of Mommy.

How does Xia Yanyan know how to do her mother's needling?

Xia Yanyan's heart beat quickly and steadily after Xia Yanyan's injection. Although it was still very low, it was already amazing.

Zhou Ping has never seen such an ancient needling method. She praised, "Yan Yan, your needling has been perfect. I'm afraid that the whole research institute can't find one comparable to you."

After receiving such high praise, Li Yulan immediately showed a proud look. Xia Yanyan was ready to prick the second needle. She did not forget to look at Xia Xiwan. "Wanwan, this is the golden needle pricking the acupoint. How about it? Isn't it very powerful?"

as like as two peas at Xia Yanyan, he asked, "Xia Yanyan, who taught you what the needle points were, why are they exactly the same as my mommy?"

Xia Yanyan was stunned. Her needling skills were all learned from Xia Xiwan's mother. The first volume of medical classics left by Lin Shuiyao was amazing enough. Today, she showed herself in front of Xia Xiwan in a hurry.

Xia Xiwan accurately captures the panic on Xia Yanyan's face. She can almost conclude that Xia Yanyan must have got some kind of medical dictionary left by her mother!

"Xia Yanyan, my mother's needling is excellent, but it's a pity that my mother is a great master of medicine. Her acupuncture is mysterious and profound. You have been obsessed with it since you were a child, but you forget to lay a good foundation for yourself. If you get this kind of acupuncture, it will have amazing explosive power, but you will be furious here, so you only master my mother's acupuncture It's just like the needle you just made. It's wrong. "


Did she get the wrong needle?

"Xia Xiwan, don't be alarmist here. Director Zhou, I think Xia Xiwan is intentional. She wants to disturb Yan Yan's needling." Li Yulan Road.

Zhou Ping quickly scolded, "Xia Xiwan, please shut up immediately, or you will be invited out now."

Xia Xiwan shrugged her shoulders. Well, she didn't speak.

Xia Yanyan was really disturbed by Xia Xiwan, so she took the second needle and pricked it into Mrs. Xu's acupoints. Soon, the harsh "Ding" sound of the heart rate monitor disappeared. Mrs. Xu sighed and her heartbeat returned to normal.

Mrs. Xu is alive!

She made it!

Li Yulan immediately looked at Xia Xiwan, "Xia Xiwan, I'm sorry to disappoint you. My Yan Yan gold needle successfully stabbed the acupoint and saved the old lady."

"Wanwan, what else do you have to say?" Xia Yanyan picks her eyebrows.

Xia Xiwan gently shook his head, "remember what I say now, two days later, the old lady will be in danger!"

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