Urana nodded, "cousin, don't worry. I'll go to brother Han later and talk to you well."

"Thank you, Ranran." Lin Bu ran said sincerely.


In the study.

Zhang Han sat in his office chair. In front of him stood a man, a doctor.

The doctor put Lin Buchan's bracelet on his desk and respectfully reported, "Han Wang, this is what Miss Lin gave me."

Zhang Han looked at the bracelet. All the people here, including doctors, were his people. Everyone's every move was under his surveillance and control. There was no secret.

Lin buran dared to bribe his doctor under his nose. He learned the news at the first time. The reason why he didn't expose her immediately was that he wanted to see what tricks she was playing.

"What did she ask you for?"

"Back to King Han, Miss Lin asked me for a pregnancy test stick."

Pregnancy Test Kit?

These three words made Zhang Han frown, "is she pregnant?"

"I don't know. Looking at Miss Lin, I should test whether she is pregnant."

At this time, the study door was pushed open, and the maid came in with the pregnancy test stick with two red lines in her hand. "Master, this was found in the trash can in Miss Lin's room."

The doctor looked at the pregnancy test stick, "Han Wang, two red lines. It seems that Miss Lin is really pregnant."

She's pregnant.

He's had a ligation and she's pregnant?

If she hadn't been locked up here all the time, he was the only man he could contact, and he suspected that the child was not his.

"I've been ligated. What's the probability of pregnancy?" Zhang Han asked.

The doctor said, "Han Wang, ligation is not 100% contraceptive. Pregnancy pays great attention to fate. For some people, the contraceptive rate is 100%, but for some people, the contraceptive rate is zero. Should you be pregnant or pregnant?"

Zhang Han pursed his thin lips. He always didn't like children. Just now, Ran Ran Ran told him to have an operation. He didn't want to. He felt very troublesome. He didn't want children.

However, Lin buran was pregnant, which was beyond his expectation and plan.

"Han Wang, what are you going to do with this child? Miss Lin is still young in pregnancy. It's easy to get rid of the child at this time, and adults suffer less pain." The doctor said.

Zhang Han did not speak immediately, but took out a cigarette and lit it faintly. After a long time, he said, "let someone prepare a bowl of abortion medicine and send it to miss Lin's room later."

He doesn't want the child. He wants to kill the child.

"Yes, master."


Lin butran went back to her room. She sat on the bed and didn't know what to do with the child in her stomach.

She didn't intend to have the child, but just now she saw the little gloves and baby supplies on the lawn, and she suddenly couldn't give up.

If she can leave this place, she can give birth to the child, and she will give the child all her love.

Lin buran puts his little hand on his stomach and suddenly feels the wonder of life. This is not only Zhang Han's child, but also her child. How can she give up a little life so cruelly?

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