However, before Zhang Han reached Lin buran's room, he was stopped, "brother Han."

Zhang Han footsteps a meal, he turned his head and looked. He saw that Ran Ran Ran opened the door of the room and was looking at him affectionately. "Brother Han, you're finally back. I had a nightmare just now and dreamed of those bad things before. I'm so scared and can't sleep."

So Zhang Han couldn't get into Lin buran's room. He turned his steps and came to Ranran's face. He reached out and rubbed Ranran's long hair, "Ranran, are you having a nightmare again?"

Urana nodded, blinked pitifully and spoiled Zhang Han, "brother Han, the past is really terrible. I can't forget. Can you sleep with me tonight?"

Zhang Han gave his room to Ranran. He slept in his study. The two were not married. Previously, Ranran would think that Zhang Han loved himself very much, so she respected and sympathized with herself before marriage. However, she didn't think so since she learned that Lin buran was pregnant.

She can't wait to die. She must take the initiative.

Zhang Han couldn't refuse, nodded and said, "OK."

The two men entered the room. Urana sat on the bed. She found that Zhang Han didn't go to bed, but sat by the bed and looked at her. "Urana, I'll sit here with you tonight. Don't worry. No demons and ghosts dare to come near you again. You sleep at ease."

Urana's purpose must not be like this. She immediately said, "brother Han, how can you sit by the bed all night? Staying up late is bad for your health. You have to work tomorrow. Lie down quickly. We sleep half the bed alone."

Zhang Han thought, "it's not good. I'll sit here."

He should be such a gentleman. Urana really doesn't know what he's thinking.

"Brother Han, come up, hurry up, or I'll be angry." Ran Ran pretended to be angry and coquettish.

Zhang Han gave in again. He got into bed and lay beside the bed. "Ran Ran, I'm with you now. You can sleep at ease."

"Yes." Ran Ran turned over, approached Zhang Han, and then got into his arms.

Zhang Han glanced at her.

Urana also stretched out his small hand and hugged his fine waist, and the whole person stuck tightly to him.

Zhang Han immediately said, "Ran Ran Ran, what's the matter with you? It's not comfortable to sleep with you. Let go of me and go to sleep alone."

Urana thought about it. She had to cook cooked rice with Zhang Han, and then let Zhang Han have an operation to make her pregnant. Only having a child can make her feel safe.

Ran Ran's little hand climbed up along his fine waist and caressed his handsome face, "brother Han, I think it's very comfortable for two people to sleep together."

Then Ran Ran's fingers fell on his thin lips and wanted to kiss his thin lips.

Zhang Han didn't know whether he was too tired or for any reason. In short, he didn't have any idea about that. He turned around and avoided, "Ran Ran Ran, you're not well yet. You'd better wait."

He is in poor health again. Does he have to prevaricate her with this reason every time?

"Brother Han, I'm in good health. The doctors say I've fully recovered. We haven't seen each other for so many years. Don't you miss me, brother Han?"

Zhang Han reached out and pushed her, "Ran Ran Ran, it's late now. You'd better have a rest early."

"Hum." Ran Ran was angry at once. "Brother Han, you always have all kinds of excuses not to touch me. Do you not want to touch me? Do you dislike that I am not innocent anymore?"

Then the tears came out in Ran Ran's eyes, and he choked wrongfully, "if it wasn't for saving you, how could I fall into the hands of evil people? I've been tortured for so many years and kept trying to escape. I just want to come out and see brother Han."

"But, you dislike me, you dislike me dirty, I know, you have changed your heart, do you have other women outside, do you dislike me?"

"In that case, I don't need to stay here. Let the new people live in. I'll go now. I'm helpless. I might as well die!"

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