"I heard you haven't had a good appetite lately?" He came over.

"I had a good meal, but the morning sickness was a little serious. I didn't mean it." Lin Bu ran stepped back two steps.

Is she so afraid of him?

Zhang Han stretched out his hand and fished her palm sized face in his palm. "Lin buran, what do you want to eat?"


Lin Bu ran didn't know what he wanted to express for a moment. She didn't want to make more contact with him, especially with her body, so she reached out to push him, "let me go first."

Zhang Han didn't mean anything else, but she kept twisting in his arms. Her raised throat rolled up and down. His hand fell on her slender waist and directly pulled her into his arms. "I asked you what you want to eat. Doesn't it mean that pregnant people want something sour or spicy? What do you want to eat? I'll buy it for you outside."

Lin buran's heart "plops" jumped up. Does he mean to bring her some snacks?

His behavior is very much like a loving couple. When his husband goes out to work, he should bring some favorite food to his pregnant wife.

Lin buran suddenly has a bold idea. Is he A little like her?

She's not sure.

"I don't want to eat anything. Let me go first. When Urana sees it later, don't you have to have children with Urana?" Lin buran said this on purpose. She didn't know what he meant, so she was testing him.

Zhang Han was in a good mood and asked in a low voice, "are you jealous?"

"I didn't." Lin buran, don't open your face.

Zhang Han bowed his head and kissed her red lips.

Lin buran's pupil shrinks. She doesn't close her eyes. She just looks at him. He holds his handsome eyes and kisses her. He hasn't touched her for a long time. She's very emotional.

Does he really like her a little?

Can she use his liking?

Lin buran had many ideas for a while, but she didn't know which method was the safest and most effective.

Although she didn't cooperate, she didn't refuse his kiss. Of course, Zhang Han automatically filtered out that she was in a daze. He turned around her waist and pressed her on the wall, "Lin buran, go out with me, huh?"


Lin buran looks at him.

Zhang Han felt that his throat was very dry, like rolling coals. He didn't know what he was thinking. "It's inconvenient for us to take you out here. Don't you want to go out together? I'll take you out for a ride."

Lin buran Yujie trembled and looked at him in great shock. What are you talking about? Isn't Urana your favorite?

Zhang Han doesn't know what's wrong with him. He wants to take her out and take her to a place where there are only two people, carrying Urana on his back.

But he knows it's unfair to Urana. Urana has suffered so much for him. He's really scum.

Forget it, he's not a good man anyway. He's just bad. What's the matter?

Facing her clear eyes, Zhang Han didn't know how to face his heart. He stretched out his hand and covered her eyes. "Lin buran, talk. Do you want to go out with me?"

Lin Bu Ran is really sure now. He must like himself a little, although she doesn't know how much this "point" is.

She quickly came up with a plan that would help her escape from here.

"I don't want to go out." She refused.

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