Both of them were about to cry, "wanwan, how did this happen? You wait. I'll tell director Zhou now to let you stay in the hospital."

Xia Xiwan pulled shuangshuangshuang and blinked mysteriously, "Shuangshuang, I'll leave for two days, and I'll be back soon!"

"Really, wanwan, are you lying to me?"

Both of them didn't believe Xia Xiwan, because she said she wanted to tear Xia Yanyan by hand. Now, she didn't tear it, but she failed miserably and left the Research Institute in dismay.

"Wanwan, are you stupid? Xia Yanyan's golden needle sealing is very powerful. Why do you say it's you who save people? Well, everyone is laughing at you!"

Even Shuangshuang didn't believe it was her who sealed the acupoints with gold needles to save people.

Xia Xiwan stretched out his hand and pressed both her shoulders, let her and her look at each other, "Shuangshuang, look at my eyes, the one who saves people is me, you should believe me."

Shuangshuang was stunned.

Xia Xiwan went out of the pharmacy with her carton in her arms. Before leaving, she blinked playfully, "Shuangshuang, don't worship me too much. Oh, I'm going, I'll be back soon!"

It was really lively outside the pharmacy. Everyone came to "send" Xia Xiwan. Xia Xiwan did not change her face and went out candidly. She soon saw Xia Yanyan in front of her.

Xia Yanyan said with a smile, "wanwan, I've come to see you off."

Xia Xiwan walked over, "thank you."

"Wan Wan, you shouldn't come to the Research Institute, and you shouldn't go back to Haicheng. Isn't it very hard to be beaten back to its original form?" Xia Yanyan finally no longer camouflage, her eyes showed arrogant and vicious light.

Xia Xiwan held the carton and said with a low smile, "Xia Yanyan, do you think you won? Don't be naive and tell you a secret. You're almost finished

Finish saying, Xia Xiwan left.

Xia Yanyan's hand dropped on her side quickly became a fist. She didn't expect Xia Xiwan, who was expelled from privy Research Institute, dare to be so arrogant.

How could she be finished?

She is a talented girl with a golden needle!


Xia Xiwan soon received the wechat sent by Ye Ling. Ye lingwanwan, you are so powerful now. Any word or action can ignite hot search. The operators of microblog should thank you. You have completed the KPI of their family for a whole year ahead of time. This year, they can lie down and have a rest. This sea city has not been so lively for a long time.

Is Xia Xiwan so exaggerated?

Ye Ling, go to the hot search and have a look. You have three of the top ten hot search. I will suspect that you have paid for hot search.

Xia Xiwan knows that the whole network is scolding her. She changed the topic Ling Ling. I seem to know why Xia Yanyan's medical skills have improved so rapidly. She should have got the medical books left by my mother.

Ye Ling, what are you waiting for? Go and grab it. How can the things left by my aunt be left to those bitches!

Of course, to get back, she first went to Xia Zhenguo and cheated him. He promised to take all the moves.

At this time, Ye Ling's message came again. I saw Xia Zhenguo and Xia Yanyan's father and daughter here. Wanwan, do you want to come over?

Where are you now, Xia Xi Wan Ling?

Ye Ling Hotel, ready to carry the goods live.


Xia Xiwan is stunned. Who is Ye Ling? She is the most popular flower in the entertainment industry with both flow and strength. The international luxury spokesperson received soft touch. Five major magazines were unsealed within two years. Fashion resources and commercial value took off. She went to live to bring goods?

Ye Ling and her heart have a good understanding, and quickly explain that the power of capital is too evil. Gu Yejin, that madman, stopped all my work. Now I am in a half hidden state, so I can only think of a way to bring the goods out! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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