At this time, the knock of "knock knock" sounded, and someone knocked outside.

Lin buran immediately pushed Zhang Han, "someone is coming."

Zhang Han reluctantly loosened Lin buran and said, "come in."

The door was pushed open. It was a maid who came in with a plate of fruit.

Since she was pregnant, Lin buran's food and clothing expenses are the best. Recently, Zhang Han bought a lot of snacks for her from abroad. Even fruit can't be bought outside.

"Miss Lin, you should eat fruit."

Because Lin buran's appetite is not good, the doctor arranged for her to eat. Fruit also has fruit meal time to ensure that she can intake enough nutrition to supply herself and her baby.

Lin buran didn't enjoy it alone. She pinched a full chert and handed it to Zhang Han's lips. "Do you want one?"

Zhang Han looked at her. "You're so kind to me that you fed me yourself?"

"Of course, you are now the food and clothing parents of my baby and me. We all depend on you." Lin butan flattered.

Zhang Han smiled and didn't speak. She was modest. She hasn't stopped working these days. Her reputation is getting louder and louder. She can make a lot of money by herself.

"I don't like sweet food. Eat it yourself."

"All right." Lin buran is going to eat the cherry by himself.

But the next second, Zhang Han's big hand leaned over and grabbed her slender wrist.

Lin Bu ran was startled. "What are you doing?"

Zhang Han looked at the chelizi in her hand, "you can't eat it. It's poisonous!"


Lin buran quickly threw away the cherry in his hand.

Zhang Han took the fruit plate and sniffed it under his nose. Just now, when Lin buran handed chelizi over, he seemed to smell something wrong. Now he's sure there's definitely something wrong with the fruit plate.

"Someone!" Zhang Han's handsome face had condensed a layer of frost. He shouted.

The confidant outside the door rushed in with his men, "master, what happened?"

"This plate of fruit is poisonous. Check out who came into contact with this plate of fruit. I'll find out the black hand."

"Yes, master."

Zhang Han looked at Lin butran and saw that Lin butran lowered her head. She didn't know what she was thinking, but her face was very white and she was frightened.

He immediately took her shoulder and comforted, "don't worry, with me here, no one can hurt you and the child."

Lin buran looked up at Zhang Han. "If you find out who that person is, you will punish the murderer severely, won't you?"

Zhang Han nodded, "of course."

"OK, I'll wait for you to find out the murderer."


In the study.

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