Lin buran has been clean for several days. Since Zhang Han sent Urana to the hospital that day, the two have not come back. It is said that Urana's mental state is very bad. He will commit suicide as long as he is awake.

Zhang Han stayed with Ranran for fear of problems again, so he never came back.

Lin buran stayed in his room as if waiting for the trial. The tug of war between Zhang Han and ran ran decided who would win in the end.

Maybe the mental pressure is too great. Lin buran's sleep quality is also declining. In addition, she has a bad appetite, so she feels a stomachache at night.

"Miss Lin, what's the matter with you?" The maid asked quickly and nervously.

Lin buran put his hand on his lower abdomen. "My stomach hurts a little, hiss, it really hurts."

Lin buran's face began to turn white, and a cold sweat came out on his forehead.

Because Zhang Han is not at home, the maids take extra care of Lin buran for fear that there will be any accident to the child in her belly. Zhang Han will be held accountable at that time.

Now seeing Lin buran like this, the maid immediately panicked, "Miss Lin, I'll call the doctor now. The doctor will come soon. Hold on."

Lin butran was lying in bed. The doctor soon came and examined her. "Miss Lin, your recent emotional instability has affected the fetus. Now there are signs of slight abortion, so from now on, you should lie in bed and take more rest and protect the fetus."

She's showing signs of miscarriage?

This is Lin buran's first child. Since she planned to give birth to this child, she vowed to protect him and give him all her love, so now there are signs of miscarriage. She blames herself very much.

"OK, doctor, I see. Thank you."

The doctor went out.

Lin buran soon fell asleep in bed. The maid brought a delicious dinner, but when she saw that Lin buran had fallen asleep, she had to carry it down. The room was silent.

I don't know how long I slept. Lin buran felt vaguely that there was a dark shadow standing by the bed, as if someone was there.


Lin buran suddenly opened her eyes. She was right. There was really someone beside the bed. It was Zhang Han.

Zhang Han is back.

It seems that Zhang Han hasn't washed for many days. His shirt and trousers are wrinkled. The beard residue on his face hasn't been shaved for a long time. He looks very tired. Of course, this can't weaken his own delicacy and beauty.

"Why are you back?" Lin buran's eyes were a little bleary. She wanted to sit up.

But Zhang Han stretched out his hand and slowly stroked her little face, "don't move, lie down."

Lin buran lay down. She looked at the time. It was early morning. He came back in the early morning.

"What's going on there?" She asked softly.

Zhang Han's eyes were obscure. He pursed his thin lips. He said hoarsely, "the mood is still unstable. The doctor suggested taking her to see a psychologist."

Lin buran dropped his slender feather Jie, "then you'd better go back and accompany her. If she wakes up and finds you're not by her side, she will be stimulated again."

Zhang Han rubbed the delicate muscles on her face with his finger belly. Previously, there were red spots on her face, but later there was no treatment. During this period, all the red spots on her face receded, revealing a white and beautiful face, gentle as water.

"Lin buran, you are quite generous, but at this time, I prefer to see you jealous for me and want me to accompany you." Zhang Han lifted up his thin lips and smiled helplessly.

Lin buran subconsciously moved his small face away from his touch, "you know what I want."

She wanted him to let her go.

When this sentence fell, Zhang Han was silent. A few seconds later, he said, "what's the matter with the stomach? How can there be signs of miscarriage?"

Lin Bu ran put his little hand on his stomach. "I don't know, but I'll protect the child."

"Well, I'll go in and take a shower." Zhang Han turned and entered the bathroom.

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