Zhang Han grabbed Lin buran.

Lin buran stops and looks back at Zhang Han.

The noise here has attracted the people in the room. Everyone came out and saw Zhang Han pulling Lin buran. Everyone's complexion changed and whispered one after another.

"What is the relationship between Han Wang and this cousin? How do I think their relationship is unusual?"

"Yes, I think there is a bit of ambiguity between the two people. It seems that King Han's eyes are full of this cousin."

"But isn't King Han getting married? The bride to be is here."

Everyone took a sneak look at Ran Ran.

Ran Ran also came out. She looked pale at the two people in front and shouted, "brother Han."

Zhang Han didn't look back. In everyone's eyes, he just dragged Lin buran.

Lin buran looked at Zhang Han with clear eyes and said faintly, "King Han, what are you looking for me?"

Zhang Han pursed his thin lips. He had already come back, so he saw what had just happened clearly. He saw the difficulties made by Urana to her and the comments and slanders of others about her and the child in her stomach.

She remained silent and quiet.

But looking at her weak appearance, his heart hurt.

"King Han, if there is nothing, can you let me go first? After all, so many people are watching." Lin Bu ran reminds me funny.

Zhang Han has made his thin lips into a dark arc. At this time, Ran Ran Ran came over and put his hand around his healthy arm. "Brother Han, talk later. These people came to try on fengguanxiayu for me. We are about to get married."

Urana is reminding him.

Zhang Han's fingers moved, and then slowly released her slender white wrist.

Lin Bu ran didn't look at them anymore. Instead, he entered the room and closed the door directly.

Zhang Han outside looked at the closed door of the room and looked at it for a long time.

The housekeeper came out to see off the guests with great eyesight, "everyone, you can leave."

These people were sent out by the housekeeper.

Although these people left, Urana could feel that their eyes fell on her, full of sympathy. Urana said unhappily, "brother Han, what do you mean, we are about to get married. Are you beating me in the face in public?"

Zhang Han raised his eyelids and glanced at Ran Ran.

After a while, it was the first time Zhang Han looked at her with such cold and even disgusting eyes. Their affection for so many years still came to this step slowly.

"Brother Han, are you blaming me? Yes, I did it on purpose just now. So what? Didn't you force me to do this?"

"Even if I don't say it, others will talk about Lin buran. When her child is born, others will talk about whether the child is an illegitimate child not wanted by her father, or a wild seed of Lin buran's one night stand."

Zhang Han stretched out his hand and pushed ran ran directly.

When Ran Ran didn't stand still, she fell to the ground with a scream, and her head hit the railing with a bang.

Ran Ran reached out and touched her, her forehead bleeding.

"Miss Urana, are you all right?" The maid exclaimed and quickly came to help Ranran.

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