Ranran is in a good mood at the thought of here, because Lin buran can't enter the door of Li's house at all.

She has a bad life, and she doesn't want Zhang Han and Lin to live well without any of them. They will go to hell with her.

Lin buran looked at Ran Ran coldly, "Ran Ran Ran, if you can be happy, you can tell Li Sheng what my relationship with you is now, regardless of me."

After a while, his face changed, "you!"

Seeing that the sting didn't reach Lin buran, ran ran quickly changed the topic, "today is my big wedding with brother Han. Later, brother Han will come back and celebrate with me."

Lin Bu Ran's lips. "Haven't you been with your brother Han's Wedding Candle for a long time? What's the difference this time?"

She always thought that Zhang Han had rolled the sheets with Urana.

Ran Ran smiled, "cousin, you don't know. In fact, brother Han hasn't touched me at all."


Lin buran was stunned. How could it be? That day she saw Zhang Han and ran ran rolling on the bed, and they slept together for many nights.

Ran Ran got up slowly, came to Lin buran and whispered, "yes, you saw it outside the door that day, but brother Han only kissed me, but didn't touch me. Later, I took the initiative to devote myself several times. Brother Han pushed me away and took my poor health as an excuse."

Then ran ran smiled. She smiled ironically and bitterly, and hated poison. "One night, brother Han agreed to touch me, but his body didn't respond to me. Lin buran, is brother Han the same with you, and he didn't respond to you?"

When asked, Lin buran didn't open his face. Of course not. Zhang Han has always felt for her.

He also secretly took her out. He got her more than five years ago, but he seems to be infatuated with his body.

Sometimes she sighed that he had such good physical strength, as if he were tireless, like a jackal.

She thought he did the same to Urana, but Urana now told her it wasn't.

Lin butran was shocked. She didn't think of it.

"Lin buran, brother Han is not like this to you, right? Ha ha, now you finally know why I hate you. When I was suffering outside, you were very sentimental here. I thought I could get rid of the past and start over, but you beat me down again."

"I heard that brother Han had many women before, but he didn't touch them. In this way, Lin buran, you are the only woman of brother Han!"

She was his first and only woman.

When he treated her cruelly, he himself was the first time.

Lin buran's look fluctuated a little, and his white fingers curled up slowly.

"Lin buran, look at your expression. Are you... In love with brother Han?" Ran Ran suddenly asked.

Lin buran's body stiffened. She immediately looked at Ran Ran, "I didn't, I didn't fall in love with him, I won't fall in love with him, the devil!"

Ran Ran smiled, "Lin buran, you don't have to tell me the answer. Do you fall in love with Zhang Han? You know best in your heart that you can deceive people all over the world. Can you deceive your heart?"

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