Xia Xiwan of course knows that Xia Yanyan has been coveting her Mr. Lu. No, Xia Yanyan just won the battle and can't wait to pester Mr. Lu.

Xia Xiwan replies a wechat and hums Mr. Lu. Would you like to have a chat with that talented girl?

Lu Hanting, I'm afraid you'll hit me.

Xia Xiwan, you have time to send me information, no time to clean up her???


Lu Hanting, who received three question mark faces, hooked his thin lips. He could almost imagine the angry appearance of his little milk cat.

Xia Yanyan looks at Lu Hanting with a face of shame and adoration. Leaving privy Research Institute, she is like a proud little sparrow. She can't wait to rush to Lu Hanting. As a gifted girl, she has caused a stir in the whole Haicheng. Lu Hanting must have seen it. She wants to let him have a look at the bright light on her head.

Xia Yanyan is looking forward to seeing Lu Hanting's regret. She does not understand how Lu Hanting is fascinated by Xia Xiwan's Bunny. However, he should be sober now and divorce Xia Xiwan is also in his plan.

"Mr. Lu, today, wanwan lied that she was the one who saved the old lady. However, Wan Wan only had a high school degree, and I'm afraid he would not even take a silver needle. When I saved the old lady with a golden needle, Wan Wan also completely angered director Zhou. Director Zhou drove wanwan out. After all, wanwan was my sister. I sympathized with her. I think she was jealous of me If I lose my mind, I will find a chance to ask for love in front of director Zhou... "

Before Xia Yanyan finished, she saw Lu Hanting holding her mobile phone and smiling with thin lips. She was stiff. She said so much. Did he listen?

It seems that when she appeared, he did not look at her, but took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, as if to send a message to someone.

"Mr. Lu, do you have any work to deal with?" Xia Yanyan asked tentatively.

Lu Han Ting put away the mobile phone, deep narrow eyes this just lightly fell on Xia Yanyan's beautiful small face, "Oh, nothing, I'm just chatting with my wife Lu."

Xia Yanyan face a white, he has been sending information with Xia Xiwan?

Xia Xiwan has now made such a big scandal, which has almost become a laughing stock in the market. Has he not even rejected her?

"General manager Lu, Wan Wan must be in a bad mood. Everyone said that Wan Wan did not dare to appear again. She felt ashamed and afraid of shame. She lost her voice all afternoon..."

Xia Xiwan left the Research Institute at noon. During this period, she didn't do anything. It was said that she secretly hid and did not dare to see people. Even the word "lost voice" was used on her.

Lu Hanting looked at Xia Yanyan, suddenly moved a step forward to her.

Xia Yanyan's heart thumped. The tall and upright body of the man quickly covered a silhouette in front of her. She was a man with a strong and strong air field. When he approached, Xia Yanyan stepped back and could not make a loss. When her back was against the wall, her beautiful face was already red.

She looked at the man in front of her. At such a close distance, the man's facial features were exquisite and handsome without any defect. Xia Yanyan had never had a chance to be so close to him, because Lu Hanting did not give her a chance to get close.

Now, what happened to him?

She couldn't help thinking, was he going to confess to her?

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