Xia Xiwan took out his mobile phone to send a micro blog, and without any supporting articles, he threw up a link between the live broadcast room.

In the afternoon of silence, the summer evening line suddenly dropped into Ye Ling's live broadcasting room, which made the whole network boiling.

Assistant excitedly looked at the number of live broadcast room straight up, "Ye beauty, summer beauty, you are really God."

Ye Ling took a sip of water, "open the live room."

"Now? Do you want to wait? "

"Don't wait. We'll be able to throw out the next few blocks when we're on the air."


The assistant opened the studio.

Ye Ling's soft eyebrows and eyes were filled with a faint smile, reminding Xia Xiwan that "wanwan, look at the barrage, here they are

Xia Xiwan looks up, and the bullet screen of the whole live broadcasting room is instantly blown up,

Xia Xiwan, do you still have the face to show up?

Xia Xiwan, now that general manager Lu has been with Yan Yan, has the divorce agreement been sent to you?

Ye Ling, why do you still play with people like Xia Xiwan?

Summer sunset roll out of Haicheng!

Ye Ling stretched out a small hand and patted the shoulders of the summer evening Wan Ying run, "Wan Wan, are you ok?"

Summer evening Wan Cheng bright Jian pupil look at the flow, but also a playful blink, "don't worry, I'm very good."

She said her white fingertips fell on the keyboard, "I'll point them back and forth what."

In the live broadcasting room next door, Huo Xuan stares at Ye Ling's live broadcast barrage with a trumpet, and quickly laughs, "sister Yanyan, this Xia Xiwan is really shameless. She even dares to show up in Ye Ling's live broadcasting room. You can see that the barrage has already scolded her out of the sky."

Xia Yanyan was humiliated by Lu Hanting and was always in a gloomy mood. Now her mood has turned to clear directly, and her eyes show a proud and vicious smile. "I didn't expect that Wan Wan likes to insult herself so much. Let's see her jokes."

"Sister Yanyan, the reward from the gold Lord is coming. Wow, so much." Huo Xuan said happily.

Now Xia Yanyan is a famous talented girl in Haicheng City. The live broadcast on both sides has not started long ago. Xia Xiwan has been engulfed by a lot of scolding, and Xia Yanyan has received numerous rewards. Everyone calls Xia Yanyan "goddess" directly.

Xia Yanyan draws up red lips. Although she can't conquer Lu Hanting, she has conquered everyone.

At this time, Huo Xuan quickly said, "Yan Yan elder sister, you see, Xia Xiwan unexpectedly replied."

Xia Xiwan really went back. All kinds of demons and ghosts went away. Mr. Lu is mine!

She responded positively to the rumor of marriage change. She was quite strong and swore sovereignty.

Soon, the barrage is a new round of swearing,

Xia Xiwan, you are still pulling like this, what about your face?

Who gives you confidence? Mr. Lu is with Yan Yan now?

Compared with the talented girl Xia Yanyan, who would choose a native from the countryside?

Huo Xuan is very happy, "Yan Yan elder sister, Xia Xiwan's reputation has been stinky, we don't need to fight at all."

Xia Yanyan is comfortable looking at the barrage. She really doesn't know how to fight with her!

At this time, "Ding" sound, the next door Ye Ling's live room burst out of gorgeous fireworks, this is the presence of local gold owners, to the studio reward a huge sum of money.

Huo Xuan froze, "sister Yanyan, they even found a special moat gold owner there, and gave a huge sum of money. Our reward and the huge sum of money here are just pitifully small."

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