In the live broadcasting room next door, Xia Yanyan looks at her mobile phone and feels that her eyes are falling off. After being slapped in the face, Xia Xiwan asks her to return the 1.2 billion yuan, and Lu Hanting immediately sends a lawyer letter to her?

She never thought about returning the $1.2 billion.

Have eaten in the stomach, now even want her to spit out all?

It is estimated that the cost of the 1.2 billion yuan is almost enough. What will she use to repay the 1.2 billion yuan?

Xia Yanyan feels that she has fallen from heaven to hell. She pinches her fingernails into her hands without feeling pain. She never thought that this live broadcast will become her face slapping live broadcast. Xia Xiwan can go to heaven arrogantly, and Lu Hanting dotes on it.

"Sister Yanyan, this What's going on? " Huo Xuan is confused and can't react at all. She looks at Xia Yanyan strangely and helplessly.

Xia Yanyan's face was gloomy and ugly.

"Sister Yanyan, look, the number of people on Yeling's side has already surpassed us. The number of people in our live broadcasting room has fallen precipitously. Everyone has gone to Ye Ling's studio!" Huo Xuan yelled.

Xia Yanyan takes a look, and the number of people in their live broadcast room is the same as the gold coins given to them. They are almost a fraction of Ye Ling's live broadcasting room!

This PK, she was Xia Xiwan to the perfect Ko.

At this time, "knock knock knock" knock on the door sounded, Xia Zhenguo rushed over.

Xia Yanyan went out. Xia Zhenguo said in a panic, "Yan Yan, what's going on? Why did wanwan ask you for the 1.2 billion yuan? Now what does Lu always mean? The 1.2 billion yuan has been spent by me."

"Dad, 1.2 billion, why are you spending all of it?"

Xia Zhenguo sneered, "I didn't invest some time ago, but I didn't make any money because of poor investment." I've lost all my money... "

Xia Yanyan is in a bad mood, so Xia Zhenguo also feels uncomfortable. She doesn't have any money left. "Dad, Lu's group has sent me a lawyer's letter to recover the 1.2 billion yuan. If I don't, there will be legal consequences."

Xia Zhenguo was in a panic. No, he couldn't understand. Just now, he was still drinking happily and being welcomed by everyone. Xia Yanyan, a gifted girl, burst into a rage and saw a good day coming. How could he suddenly shoulder a debt of 1.2 billion yuan?

At that time, 1.2 billion yuan was so beautiful that it is now a laughing stock.

Since Xia Xiwan came back, he and the whole family are like roller coasters. Sooner or later, there will be heart problems.

"I'll call Wan Wan now, and I'll see what she means!" Xia Zhenguo said he took out his mobile phone and called Xia Xiwan.

Soon, the phone was connected, Xia Xiwan's voice passed over, "Hello, Mr. Xia, what can I do for you?"

"Wanwan, the 1.2 billion yuan was given to Yan Yan by general manager Lu. I have spent all of them. Now there is no money left. Don't make trouble. Let President Lu withdraw the lawyer's letter. We are a family. Don't make things too ugly."

"Mr. Xia, if you don't want to be ugly, you can give it to me, because my mother left me a medical book."

Medical classics?

Xia Yanyan was surprised and quickly grabbed the mobile phone, "Wan Wan, what are you talking about? What medical classics are you talking about?"

"Xia Yanyan, don't act. I've also recorded it. Do you want to listen to it?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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