Xia Yanyan's mood suddenly got better. She suddenly thought of the scaremongering words left by Xia Xiwan when she left the Research Institute. She said that the old lady was in danger two days later. It was like slapping Xia Xiwan's face. The old lady was not in danger, but also sober.

Xia Yanyan can't help but love herself a little bit. How can she be so excellent? Xia Xiwan's straw bag is totally jealous of her and gives her trouble!

Xia Yanyan swept away the haze, dressed up carefully and went to the Research Institute. The Research Institute was very busy, and several banners were put out to praise Xia Yanyan. Moreover, the major TV stations and newspapers and magazines in Haicheng came to continue to interview and live broadcast her.

Zhao Liying quickly welcomed him. He was full of adoration and looked at his goddess. "Yan Yan, look, just now the mainstream media even made a voice on the microblog and threw out your photo directly. The title is to analyze the growth path of a generation of medical gifted girls."

Oh, my God!

Xia Yanyan's eyes brightened. She didn't expect that she should be on the headlines of the mainstream media. You know, these mainstream media have great influence, but now the public opinion guidance of the society!

Xia Yanyan quickly took a look at her mobile phone. As expected, she had successfully got rid of the embarrassment of being hit in the face that night. All the people's eyes focused on her medical aura again.

Yeon Yeon is so wonderful that she likes to mention the mainstream media.

My family Yan Yan is beautiful and kind-hearted. The old lady not only sobers up, but also agrees to interview the reporter in order to see her well.

Why is such a good Yanyan always bitten by villains? We raised 1.2 billion to repay the goddess Yanyan!

Xia Yanyan looks down. Everyone's crowdfunding accounts have been opened. People from all over the world come to the account every minute and every second.

Xia Yanyan is happy to jump up. She is worried that there is no way to solve the 1.2 billion. Now everyone has crowdfunding for her.

Xia Xiwan, how can you fight me?

At this time, Zhou Ping and director Zhou also came over, "Yan Yan, old lady Li is awake. Now she is waiting for you in the ward. You saved old lady Li. She seems to like you very much. When she opens her eyes, she says she wants to find the fairy who can save her."


Xia Yanyan is thinking, yes, she is the fairy!

"Director Zhou, let's go to see old lady Li now." I can't wait.

"Yanyan, I don't need to say that you can all think of the special identity of this old lady Li. Let's say that old lady Li is from the capital of the emperor. I think old lady Li wants to take you to the imperial capital. You have saved a noble man, and this sea city will be your past style."

Xia Yanyan's heart leaped. She had already guessed that the old lady Li was extremely prominent. She just didn't expect that old lady Li was from the capital.

Compared with the imperial capital, this sea city is too small.

The center of the imperial capital, I'm afraid Xia Yanyan can't touch it all her life.

But what director Zhou meant was that the old lady Li could take her in. How could Xia Yanyan not be excited and happy? She was already dancing happily in her heart.

Soon came to the ward. Because of permission, many cameras had been set up outside the ward. Xia Yanyan, the protagonist, appeared. Someone pressed the start button and the live broadcast started.

Zhou Ping opened the door of the ward and took Xia Yanyan in. "Old lady Li, your fairy is here."

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