Xia Xiwan lifted his eyes and saw Lu Hanting. He hasn't gone back.

Gu Yejin and Huo Xize also came, and they stood by the door.

Hosizer said with a smile, "Hello, second sister-in-law."

Xia Xiwan, who is the second sister-in-law, can barely squeeze out a smile.

Housekeeper Fu Bo came and brought a thermos cup. "Grandma, the young master told you to cook a little millet porridge and two refreshing dishes. You can eat it while it's hot. The premise of taking care of the patient is to take good care of your body."

Xia Xiwan really didn't eat anything at night. I didn't expect that he was so considerate that he had already made millet porridge.

Xia Xiwan looks at Lu Hanting. The man is tall and legs long standing by the window. He has taken off his black coat.

In recent years, in addition to Ye Ling, he was the first person to make her feel so warm, but she did not want to let her heart go.

He was really dangerous, and she was lured step by step.

She was afraid that she would be doomed.

Xia Xiwan came to Lu Hanting's back, "Mr. Lu, I'll stay here with aunt Lin tonight, you go back to have a rest."

Lu Hanting leaned over and looked at Xia Xiwan, "why don't you answer my phone?"

Summer evening line a stagnant, rapid way, "I did not hear."

"What about wechat? Is it to say that you haven't seen it?"

Xia Xiwan has not spoken, Huo Xize at the door has already "I rely on" up, "second brother, you have wechat, before we let you play wechat, you did not hear, show me your wechat is only two sister-in-law, second brother, you are really too much of a friend!"

Lu Hanting killed Huo Xize with a sharp eye, "get out!"

Fauber realized that there was something wrong with the atmosphere and quickly went out and closed the door.


In the ward, Xia Xiwan is still immersed in huoxize's words. Is she really the only one in his wechat?

At this time, Lu Hanting's finger reached over and took the mobile phone in her pocket directly.

"What are you doing? Take my cell phone and give it back to me." Xia Xiwan stands on tiptoe to grab his mobile phone.

Lu Hanting opened her wechat and took a look. Sure enough, the wechat he sent to her has become read. She saw it, but she did not reply to him.

"Give me an explanation." Asked Lu.

Xia Xiwan wants to grab back his mobile phone, "what do you want to explain? There is no explanation. That's what you see. I see it, but I don't return it to you."

Lu Hanting's handsome eyebrows were covered with a layer of haze. Did he come back all night to listen to her?

Now her delicate body is almost close to him, and the sweet fragrance of her body swept his nose, lingering.

This let him miss the smell quickly let him roll throat, want to bar her up and then force into the bed.

"Xia Xiwan, do you rub against me again?" He forced a hoarse, sharp voice from his throat.

Xia Xiwan pupils shrink, immediately feel his slowly burning body temperature, she quickly back down, want to leave him a little bit.

But Lu Hanting pressed her Yingrun shoulder, pushed her against the wall, and refused to let her escape. "A picture makes me like that. When I come back, you are cruel to me, right? It's obvious that you have done something wrong when you put yourself in danger. You dare to show me your face first. I think you really owe it! "

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