Zhou Ping has been stunned for a long time. Now she quickly stood up and said, "old lady, yes, it was Yanyan who saved you with a golden needle two days ago. It not only helped you stabilize your heart rate, but also made you wake up so quickly. I was there at that time and watched the whole process. I was the witness!"

Zhou Ping, the teaching director, has always been famous for her ruthlessness and selflessness. She will never lie in favor of a student. She is quite convincing.

And two days ago, these media reporters were blocked outside the door, there would be no fake. It was indeed Xia Yanyan who saved the old lady by pricking the acupoint two.

Old lady, we can all testify that Yan Yan saved you two days ago.

Old lady, for the first time, Yan Yan didn't have a person's certificate, and you didn't have a person's certificate. Everyone insisted on their own words, and they didn't have credibility. But the second time Yanyan saved you. It's also because Yanyan can wake up so quickly. Now she's on the air. Please be careful not to let the person who saved you feel cold.

All of them stood on the side of Xia Yanyan. Xia Yanyan quietly hooked the corner of her lips. She had the skill of sealing the acupoints with a golden needle, so she was not afraid of it.

She can't lose the game.

At this time, old lady Li looked at Xia Yanyan again, "did you move the needle for me?"

"Yes, old lady, so really I saved you. You can't like me, but please accept this reality. Of course, I'm a doctor, and a doctor is a doctor. Although you criticize me like this, I will try my best to cure you." Xia Yanyan's eyes overflowed with pride.

People praise to look at Xia Yanyan, Xia Yanyan is worthy of being a gifted girl, even this bearing is admirable.

Old lady Li wanted to talk, but at this time she felt a pain in her heart. She quickly bent down and pressed her heart with her hand.

"Old lady!" Director Zhou quickly rushed forward and asked, "what's the matter with you, old lady?"

Old lady Li's face was white, and her forehead was already in a cold sweat. She couldn't even speak.

Xia Yanyan thinks it's heaven's help to her. The old lady's illness is too timely. She can show her skills again. "Director Zhou, let me come. I'll prick the acupoints with golden needles."

Zhou Ping quickly made way for Xia Yanyan.

"Xia Yanyan, you can't touch the old lady!" At this time, both block in front of Xia Yanyan.

"Shuangshuang, what are you doing? Now the situation is critical. Let me give the needle to save the old lady!" Xia Yanyan said with pride.

Zhou Ping is also heavy face, very serious, "Shuangshuang, now human life is critical, don't play petty, quickly get out of the way!"

Shuangshuang stretched out her small hand and pointed to Xia Yanyan, "it's you who hurt the old lady!"


Both looked at director Zhou. "Director Zhou, do you remember what Wan Wan said before she left. Wan Wan said that Xia Yanyan's golden needle sealing technique was wrong. She was so eager for success that she forgot to lay down the basic skills. She pricked the wrong needle into the old lady. Before she left, we still remember that the old lady was in danger two days later."

Zhou Ping a stiff, that summer evening line words quickly into her mind, she also remembered.

At that time, Xia Xiwan said in a calm and determined tone that the old lady was in danger two days later.

"Xia Yanyan, the old lady is not sick now, but you used the wrong needle to the old lady two days ago. You hurt the old lady!"

Xia Yanyan's whole person is frozen in place, how can it be?

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