Xia Xiwan nodded, "it's natural."

Lu Hanting's eyes fell on her small face, and then raised his hand to uncover the veil on her face.

Xia Xiwan turns his head and avoids it.

Lu Hanting fingers a stiff, but did not force her, "Suxi have seen your face?"

"No Xia Xiwan shakes her head. Her veil has been around since childhood.

Lu Hanting was only reluctantly satisfied. She had a pair of beautiful and eye catching eyes, and her veil was even more mysterious. People wanted to tear her veil off.

He bowed his head and went to kiss her again.

Xia Xiwan didn't expect that he still wanted to continue. Originally, he wanted to draw a clear line with him, but now they are all kissing together, which is beyond her control.

"Mr. Lu, I have already thank you. If you take advantage of me again, I will bite you."

Lu Han Ting's eyes were dancing with two Cu you Hong flames. The whole person seemed loose and crazy and sexy. "Mrs. Lu, don't blame me for not warning you. You dare to bite me."

He kisses it.

At this time, the door of the ward was suddenly opened, and huoxize said by the door, "second brother, did you quarrel with your second sister-in-law Damn it

Lu Hanting almost immediately stretched out his hand and pulled Xia Xiwan into his arms. He didn't let others see it. The good thing was disturbed. He quickly glanced at huoxize by the door.

Hosizer covered his eyes. "I didn't see anything. I won't tell anyone that my second brother actually kisses. You go on!"

Afraid of being beaten, hosizer ran away.

The red face of Xia Xiwan also quickly pushed away Lu Hanting and broke up the beauty of this room.

Lu Hanting frowned for a while and copied his trousers pocket with one hand, "eat something first and have a rest earlier."

He went out.


Lu Han Ting stood at the entrance of the corridor in the smoking area and lit a cigarette. The man's body was handsome and straight. The two long legs wrapped in the trousers were comparable to the international model. The silhouette alone also made people feel excited.

The window is open, outside the cold wind blows, Lu Hanting then smoked several cigarettes, only to suppress the hot and dry heart.

He went back.

Xia Xiwan has already gone to bed. There is an escort bed in the VIP ward. Her delicate body is in the quilt, a small group.

Maybe she was tired today. She was asleep.

Lu Hanting saw a piece of paper on the table top, which was her elegant small characters. The millet porridge was already hot and covered in it. Mr. Lu, would you like to have some?

The little turtle had a little conscience and knew that he was thinking about his stomach.

Lu Hanting dispelled the gloom of his eyebrows and raised the corners of his lips.

After a simple wash, Lu Hanting did not go back, but lay down beside Xia Xiwan.

Accompany bed is not big, plus a man of 1.86 meters is a little crowded, the summer evening line in the dream is very good, consciously wrapped in a quilt, only occupy a small place.

Lu Hanting lay down and held her in his arms.

I wanted to sleep with her when I was on business.

Xia Xiwan twisted her eyebrows in her sleep. Maybe she sensed that the man beside her was Lu Hanting. She quickly put out her small hand and hugged the man's fine waist. Her small face was pasted on his broad chest and rubbed like a little milk cat.

Her dependence on him is unquestionable.

Lu Hanting hugged her a little, gently imprinted a kiss on her forehead, and then closed his eyes.

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