Two in one?

Xia Xiwan knows what it means to lift a stone and hit his own foot. Grandma must have watched today's news. After all, Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu's plan for giving birth to a child have been searched on Weibo.

"Wanwan, why don't you drink it while it's hot." At this time, the old lady loves to urge a way.

Xia Xiwan OK, I'll drink it!

She took up her small bowl and began to drink chicken soup.

At this time, there was Lu Hanting's laughter. He was laughing at her.

Xia Xiwan quickly kicked him under the table. Don't laugh!

"Wanwan, I'll get you a spoon." The thoughtful old lady came into the kitchen.

As soon as grandma left, Xia Xiwan immediately turned to look at Lu Hanting beside him. She handed the small bowl to his lips and whispered, "Mr. Lu, the chicken soup is too much. I can't drink it. You can help me drink half of it secretly."

Lu Han Ting refused, the reason is, "this is for women to drink."

Xia Xiwan retorted, "it's up to both of us to give birth to a child, and I want you to contribute Body, I don't care. You drink half and I drink half. "

Lu Hanting didn't want to.

Xia Xiwan's slender Yu Jie blinked, and her big face rubbed into his arms. She was coquettish with him like a kitten, "help me drink half my husband ~"

husband ~

Lu Hanting knows that the girl is thin skinned. Since the last time she forced her to call her husband, she refused to call again, so she was embarrassed.

Now for a bowl of chicken soup, she even called him husband. The girl's voice was soft and sticky, which made his bones crisp.

At this time, don't say to help her drink half of the chicken soup, even if you want his life to her!

Lu Hanting bowed his head and drank more than half of the chicken soup with her small hands, leaving only two small mouthfuls for her.

Xia Xiwan quickly drank the two small mouthfuls. At this time, the old lady just finished drinking. Xia Xiwan stretched out her small hand to wipe her mouth, and said happily, "grandma, don't take the spoon, I've already finished drinking it!"

The old lady's eyes brightened, and she gave Xia Xiwan a thumbs up. "Wow, wanwan, you're drinking too fast. Don't just drink soup and eat chicken. These two days you have to have surgery, you must take good care of yourself."

"I see. Thank you, grandma."

Xia Xiwan picked up chopsticks and put a chicken thigh in the bowl into the old lady's bowl. He left a chicken thigh and the chicken leg was separated. Considering that Mr. Lu didn't have one, Xia Xiwan clipped a chicken wing from the bowl into Mr. Lu's bowl. "Mr. Lu, this is for you."

The old man happily bit the chicken leg, but Lu Hanting frowned, "why am I this?"

Xia Xiwan looked at him innocently, "Mr. Lu, hurry to eat it. After a baby is pregnant with two, you don't even have to eat chicken wings."


Fubo and Wu Ma stood aside with a smile on their faces. They have been in Youlan garden for more than six years. Now it is like a home, warm and warm.


Lu Hanting went to the study to deal with the documents. After returning to the bedroom, Xia Xiwan had fallen asleep on the table.

With a bright yellow lamp on the desk, Xia Xiwan was writing about the old lady's operation plan. A piece of paper was full of words. The plan had been written successfully, but it had to be excerpted into the book. Half of the excerpt, Xia Xiwan fell asleep.

Lu Hanting walked over. The girl was lying on the table, even her sleeping posture was lovely. Her arms were under her. She had taken a bath. Her long black silk hair was tucked into her ears and scattered on her shoulders, revealing her delicate and beautiful face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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