Shuangshuang is the happiest and excited one. His good friend suddenly became a super Xueba. What a wonderful experience! Shuangshuang rubbed Xia Xiwan's small face, "wanwan, you must refuel, you are already my pride!"

Xia Xiwan has become a big and warm family. Everyone's eyes are full of smiles and goodwill, and they cheer on each other. Everything is so beautiful.

Xia Xiwan firmly nodded, "well, I will work hard!"

Lu Zixian stood by and looked at the girl who was surrounded by many stars. She came to privy for only a few months, but she infected a lot of people, and everyone became better because of her.

Lu Zixian's cold black eyes overflowed with a bit of softness. Maybe she really has a magic that people can't resist.

At this time, Premier Li Wenqing clapped his hand, "OK, it's time for surgery. Zixian, Xiwan, it's time for you to go to the battlefield. Old lady Li is waiting for you!"

"Good!" Xia Xiwan picked up his diary and said goodbye to everyone. He followed Lu Zixian to the operating room.

At the door of the operating room, Xu shaonan, the prince, had been leaning lazily against the wall for a long time. Seeing Xia Xiwan, he quickly "fed" him.

Xia Xiwan does not squint, does not pay attention to him, directly into the operating room.

Xu shaonan has not been so ignored, never, he went to Xia Xiwan in front of her way, "Hey, ugly girl, call you, did you not hear?"

Xia Xiwan looked at him and said, "Oh, it's Xu Shao. It's so noisy in my ears just now. It seems that someone keeps calling there. It turns out that you are calling."


She turned the corner to scold him!

What a smart, ugly girl!

Xu shaonan put up with the surgery for the time being. He looked up and down at Xia Xiwan. The girl in the white coat was more and more clean and dusty. However, it was a little girl film. He was very suspicious of her medical skills, so he coldly threatened, "ugly girl, although I don't know why my grandmother ordered you, my grandmother can't have a little bit in your hand Poor, if the operation fails, do you know what the consequences are? I'll find someone to rape you first and then... "

Before Xu shaonan finished, "pa", Xia Xiwan raised his hand and slapped him on the head.

This time, the whole corridor is quiet.

The atmosphere was almost eerie.

Those black bodyguards are shocked to see Xia Xiwan, she What is she doing? Does she know who she hit? How dare she beat the little prince of the capital?

Xu shaonan also froze. From childhood to adulthood, in addition to grandma's dare to hit him on the head, no one dares to move him. Is this ugly girl crazy?

Xia Xiwan took back her hand. She gave Xu shaonan a clear look. She was condescending and full of momentum. "The old lady is lying in it and it's inconvenient to do it. I'll teach you this bear child for the old lady! Bear child, remember, speak to me politely in the future

Finish saying, Xia Xiwan went directly into the operating room, "boom", the door of the operating room was closed.


Xu shaonan is in a mess in the wind. After a few seconds, he jumps up and makes a rude speech. Shit, this ugly and wild girl, he has no end with her! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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