He grabbed her little tail.

Xia Xiwan pretty face a red, rapid struggle, "what do you do, quickly let go."

Lu Hanting did not let go, but also pulled the small tail, "new taste?"

Xia Xiwan's head is confused, which just feels abnormal. There are so many sexy nightdresses in the cupboard and hat room. How can this lovely one be taste.

Xia Xiwan reached out and pushed him, "Mr. Lu, you are really shameless!"

Lu Hanting held on to her little tail and picked up her beautiful eyebrows. "How can I be shameless?"

"This nightgown and the nightdress in the cupboard are all prepared by you. Aren't you shameless enough?"

Lu looked at the cupboard and hat room, "the clothes inside are not prepared by me, they are prepared by grandma for you."

Old lady?


Xia Xiwan is stunned. It turns out that the old lady You know that?

Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy.

Lu Hanting looked at xiaoyuanyuan, "is it still good?"

Xia Xiwan tried hard to pull back his little tail, "round very good."

"Then why are you not good?"


What does he mean by this? Does he mean that she is also a kitten?

Now her tail is still in his hand, and his frivolous and slow twisting attitude is a bit bullying, as if she is really a kitten in his palm.

At this time, the knock on the door sounded, and Wu Ma said outside the door, "young master, the old lady asked me to stew you a bowl of soup. You can drink it while it is hot."

Someone's coming!

Xia Xiwan pushed Lu Hanting away for fear that others would see such a scene.

Cover up his shy face, and let go of his shy face.

Lu Han Ting went to open the door of the room and took a look at the stew in Wu's hand. When the old lady was free, she did like to stew him some messy soup. He would also drink it obediently and comply with the old man's wishes.

This time, Lu did not refuse and drank the stew.


Lu Hanting went to the bathroom and took a cold shower. Then he sat on the sofa and looked through the documents.

At this time, he felt very hot, and his temperature gradually came up. Finally, it was like a surging heat wave, which made him feel uncomfortable.

Lu Hanting looked up. Xia Xiwan was sitting on the bed, holding a medical book in his hand. He was looking at it, beautiful and quiet.

He took his eyes back and forced them to put them on the documents in his hand. However, he couldn't read a word.

Lu Hanting got up and came to the bedside. He stretched out his hand and took away the medical books in Xia Xiwan's hand and left it aside.

"Mr. Lu, what are you doing? I'm reading a book." Late summer protest.

Lu Hanting sat on the edge of the bed, holding her soft little hand on his forehead, "help me see, am I sick?"

His forehead was very hot.

Xia Xiwan quickly gave him pulse, a few seconds later said, "are you Have you eaten anything unclean? "

Lu Hanting has already guessed, but in his own home, he is a little uncertain. Being said by Xia Xiwan, he quickly gets up and opens the door of the room.

"Ouch Mrs. Lu almost fell in.

"Grandma, what did you give me to eat?" Lu Hanting's face was not very good-looking, obviously angry.

Hearing that she was caught in the corner, Mrs. Lu was a little embarrassed. When Lu Hanting questioned her, she put out her hand and pointed to Fubo beside her, "it's not me who made it. It's him who put some tonic in your soup."

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