But just after two steps, two small hands came from behind. The girl's soft body was close to him, and her hands held his waist. "Mr. Lu, hold me for a while. I'm so cold."

Her voice is thin and soft, showing weakness, and her dependence on him, no, Lu Hanting.

Lu Zixian felt her cold body temperature. With the disappearance of precious blood, her body became cold, which was the most direct warning. He took away her little hand and said, "Xia Xiwan, you know the wrong person. I'm not your Mr. Lu."

Xia Xiwan can't hear anything now, and her brain is still dizzy. The vertigo almost makes her fall in the next second. She tries to hold the man tightly and not allow herself to fall down. "Mr. Lu, are you still angry with me? Don't be angry. Let's make up. I'm cold now. I have to cuddle.

at last, she is playing coquettish The son envies tall and handsome body a stiff, originally want to pull off her action also stopped, "Xia Xiwan, you Do you like Lu Hanting so much? I don't even want my own life in order to save him. "

Lu Zixian's eyes fell on the piece of paper she wrote, and his eyes flashed with amazement. She actually unlocked those equations.

It's a pity that she's still missing.

Lu Zixian turned around, and her cold black eyes fell on her small face. "Xia Xiwan, your drug test has come to this end. If you have not guessed wrong, your blood is no different from that of ordinary people. It's a pity that you can't save Lu Hanting by abandoning this precious blood. It's probably fate."

Xia Xiwan didn't know what he was saying with his mouth open and closed. She was staring at him.

Lu Zixian looked at the piece of white gauze on her face. Now the white gauze was covered with blood. He slowly reached out and uncovered the white gauze on her face.

The girl's small face fell into the bottom of his eyes. Under the bright eyes, there was a small nose like Guan Yu, and then there was her small mouth and small diamond lip, which was full of powder. It was the type of man who would like to kiss after seeing it.

Lu Zixian's pupil shrank suddenly. In fact, he had fantasized about how beautiful she was. Such an amazing and intelligent girl must have had a beautiful face. Now, beauty is not enough to describe her beauty. She belongs to the kind of extremely delicate and delicate color, and now the paleness makes her a little more delicate, which makes people see that the soul will be thrown on her.

Lu Zixian reached out and wiped the blood under her nose with her white shirt sleeves.

As a doctor, he has a serious habit of cleanliness, but now blood stains his sleeves, he doesn't mind.

Feeling his tenderness, Xia Xiwan reached out and hugged him again. He put his small face in his arms and rubbed petulantly, "Mr. Lu, are you not angry?"

Lu Zixian slowly stretched out his hand and hugged her. He was greedy for the warmth of this moment. Even if he was born a proud man, he would be the shadow of others.

"Wanwan, divorce him."

He whispered.


Outside the room, Xia Yanyan looked at the closed door of the room, then took out her mobile phone and dialed Lu Hanting's mobile phone number.

Last time, she also informed Lu Hanting to catch adultery, but there was no big splash at that time. This time it was different.

That end of the mobile phone ring once, and then was connected, Lu Hanting low magnetic voice passed over, "hello."

"Mr. Lu, come here quickly. Wanwan is in the hotel room now, and Lu Zixian is also in it. They have been in it for a long time."

Lu Han Ting at that end was silent for half a second and wanted to hang up directly.

"Mr. Lu, I think something is wrong with Wan Wan's body. She checked her blood in the Research Institute. Do you know that?"

Lu Hanting breathed heavily, "where is she?"

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