Huo Xize thinks that his second brother is really different. When people come to the bar to drink, they will ask beautiful women to accompany them. It seems that these beauties will defile him here. No matter how beautiful the beauty is, they will not want to earn his money.

However, Huo Xize did not dare to provoke Lu Hanting, and he went out in a daze.

Lu Hanting drank a few more bottles of wine, which had a strong aftereffect. He was slightly drunk in his deep narrow eyes.

At this time, the luxury box door was pushed open, and a figure came in. It was Xia Yanyan.

Some time ago, Xia Yanyan was very weak, so these days she was very quiet, but under the quiet appearance, she must be brewing something big.

Xia Yanyan walked in and came to Lu Hanting's side. She called softly, "Mr. Lu Mr. Lu

Lu Hanting was drunk and did not respond.

"Mr. Lu, I'll take you back to your room." Xia Yanyan picked up Lu Hanting and took him out of the luxury box to a presidential suite.


In the presidential suite, Xia Yanyan puts Lu Hanting on the soft big bed. She looks at Lu Hanting's handsome and mature facial features with adoration, and then reaches out to untie Lu's black shirt.

One button, two buttons untied, revealing a man's delicate fan bone, Xia Yanyan's beautiful small face quickly red, the whole person's heart rate accelerated.

Just as she was about to release the third button, a big hand suddenly pulled over and clasped her arm.

Xia Yanyan breathes tightly. When she looks up, Lu Hanting on the bed has slowly opened her eyes, and his slightly drunk eyes fall on her face.

Whenever she looks at this man, Xia Yanyan feels afraid and nervous. The masculinity superimposed by wealth, power and status is too strong. When she stares at you, she seems to be able to see through your soul.

"Lu Mr. Lu Xia Yanyan was stumbling with fear.

At this time, Lu Hanting stretched out his hand and pulled her directly.

Xia Yanyan quickly fell in his arms, the man's body that clean and crisp smell, but also mixed with the faint smell of tobacco and wine, instantly burst into her nose, good smell fatal.

Xia Yanyan's whole body is soft, almost as soft as water in his arms.

All of this is like a dream. Xia Yanyan dreamed that she was sleeping in Lu Hanting's arms for countless times in her dream, and she was also upset with him.

I didn't expect this day to come true.

Mr. Lu Xia Yanyan called out.

Lu Hanting held her in his arms, his handsome eyelids closed down, and his hoarse murmured, "Wan Wan "I'd like to talk to you..."

He whispered the name of Xia Xiwan over and over.

Xia Yanyan's smile on her face is frozen, like a basin of cold water, he used her as a substitute for Xia Xiwan.

However, the opportunity is rare and should not be missed.

Xia Yanyan's hand slid down his fine waist. "Mr. Lu, you're drunk. I'll help you take off your clothes. Let's sleep together."

Lu Hanting did not refuse, he buried his handsome face in Xia Yanyan's long hair.

Almost the next second, Lu Hanting suddenly opened his eyes, and the slight drunkenness at the bottom of his eyes all faded away. He waved his hand and directly waved Xia Yanyan out of bed.

Bang, Xia Yanyan fell on the carpet with a very awkward posture, and cried out in pain.

Lu Hanting quickly got up and got out of bed. He looked at her coldly and coldly. She was almost lingchi. "Xia Yanyan, who let you in? Are you tired of living?"

Xia Yanyan felt that all her bones were broken by his wave. She looked at Lu Hanting pale and said, "general manager Lu, I think you are drunk, but you sent you to the room with good intentions. Just now you regarded me as a senior..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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