Li Yulan is too fierce. When Kong zhen'er is not ready, she is dragged directly into the corridor. Soon the corridor is full of people.

After all, she was a girl in her twenties. She screamed, "let me go, let me go, Xia Zhenguo save me, help me!"

Only Xia Zhenguo can help Kong zhener now.

Xia Zhenguo put on his pants in a hurry. When he heard Kong zhen'er calling himself, he was just a weak flower attached to himself. Li Yulan was an abominable and vicious mother. He quickly rushed forward and pulled back Li Yulan. "Li Yulan, are you crazy, let go of your hands, you shrew!"

Xia Zhenguo reached for Kong zhen'er.

Li Yulan, who was scolded as a shrew, simply added fuel to the fire. She pointed to Xia Zhenguo and scolded, "Xia Zhenguo, you've cheated. You still have reason. You've been fascinated by this fox spirit. She's your daughter's classmate. Did you think about these when you rolled on the same bed with her? Are you worthy of me?"

Then Li Yulan rushed forward and dragged Kong zhen'er to slap her two times. "Little bitch, I'll kill you!"

Xia Zhenguo's face has sunk. He loves face most. Now he is surrounded by people like this. Many people take out their mobile phones to take photos and take videos. He feels that his face has been lost.

"Enough, Li Yulan, get out of here!"

Xia Zhenguo reached out and waved Li Yulan to the wall directly.

Bang, Li Yulan is hard hit, she is painful suction, all of a sudden fell on the carpet.


It hurts.

Li Yulan felt a good pain in her stomach, and then a stream of hot blood gushed out.

"Zhener, get up quickly. Are you ok? Don't pay attention to this shrew. I'll take you away." Xia wants to wear a black coat on her body.

Then someone called out, "look, she's bleeding!"

Xia Zhenguo looked back and saw Li Yulan sitting on the wall with a pale face. Her body was covered with blood.

Xia Zhenguo didn't want to cause any human life. He came to Li Yulan's side, "Li Yulan, what kind of tricks do you play? I pushed you once. How did you bleed?"

Li Yulan was terrified. She is now an older woman, and she needs to rely on birth control drugs to raise her fetus. Now the blood is boiling under her body, and she knows that she has miscarriage.

No, her son is gone!

Li Yulan looked at Xia Zhenguo and grasped his hand like a lifesaving straw. "Quick, send me to the hospital, I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant with your son!"


Is she pregnant?

Pregnant with his son?

Xia Zhenguo's face changed greatly. He still valued his son very much and wanted to have a son. He immediately picked up Li Yulan and said, "call an ambulance, call an ambulance!"

Xia Zhenguo disappeared with Li Yulan in her arms. The onlookers who ate melons also slowly disappeared. Kong zhen'er was frozen in the same place. She never thought that Li Yulan was pregnant and now she had a miscarriage.

Although she felt very happy, she was not relaxed. The extramarital affair was found and made such a scene. Li Yulan and her two daughters were not vegetarian, and her next life was not easy.

Kong zhen'er turns around and wants to leave, but suddenly a delicate and beautiful figure breaks into his sight. Xia Xiwan doesn't know when he is coming.

Kong zhen'er is stiff, and she bumps into Xia Xiwan's bright Jian Tong. Now Xia Xiwan leans lazily against the wall, and her eyes look at her like a smile. It is clear that she is not aggressive, but Kong zhen'er suddenly feels embarrassed.

Xia Xiwan came early and has been watching the opera there. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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