Today, Lu Hanting is wearing a black shirt. This low-key and introverted black lining makes his whole handsome face as delicate and perfect as that carved by Tiangong. The sleeves of the shirt are rolled up two times, and the big hand wearing a precious watch is pressed on the steering wheel. He looks calm and precious, which is the mature atmosphere of successful men in business.

Lu Hanting turned his head and saw the summer sunset line standing on the roadside.

Today, the girl wore a short dark red T-shirt and black pencil pants. She was delicate and graceful, full of girlish air. Her pure long hair was scattered and her shoulders moved slowly with the evening wind. Even the air seemed to send out the fragrance of her body.

"Mr. Lu..." Then the girl called him.

Lu Hanting looked at her. The girl's delicate figure firmly grasped his whole eyeball and made him reluctant to move his eyes. However, he lifted his thin lips and said coldly, "I don't have time now. You can go home by yourself."

"Mr. Lu, I..."

Xia Xiwan wants to talk, but "Dudu" twice, Lu Hanting has hung up the phone.

Lu Hanting had to force himself to hang up the phone and not let her soft voice stick to his ears to bewitch him. As long as she said one more word, even if she said one more word, he would probably be unable to control himself to appear in front of her.

Now there is a message lying quietly in his mobile phone. It's Xia Xiwan sent by Lu Zixian. She's poisoned by flowers. Let her go back to the imperial capital with me. I can save her.

Lu Hanting leans her back in the chair, and her handsome eyebrows are infected with decadence and Yinzhuo. The second poison test makes her infected with flower poison!

She's poisoned!

Lu Zixian wants to take her to the imperial capital without delay!

Lu Hanting closed his eyes and drew a dark self mocking arc on his thin lips. He had filed for divorce with her, but he couldn't give him any time.

At this time, a cry of surprise came from the ear, "get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Lu Hanting raised his eyes and saw that a man was riding a scooter at a gallop. He saw that he was about to hit the summer sunset line.

The man is shouting to remind Xia Xiwan, but Xia Xiwan seems to have forgotten the reaction and just stands there foolishly.

Lu Hanting's pupil shrank, and his body opened the door ahead of his brain and ran briskly past.

When the scooter was about to hit Xia Xiwan, a passing aunt stretched out her hand faster than Lu Hanting and said, "girl, be careful!"

Xia Xiwan was pulled to the side to avoid for a while, the scooter rubbed her away, quite breathtaking.

Lu Hanting stopped. Just now his heart was about to jump out. His fine chest was panting. He was staring at the delicate figure of Xia Xiwan, and he was afraid that she would happen again in front of him.

But he didn't dare to come forward. He could only stop a few steps away from her and look at her.

"Thank you, aunt." Xia Xiwan's face was a little white. She probably guessed what had happened and said thanks in a soft voice.

The kind-hearted aunt shakes her head and still keeps nagging, "girl, the car is coming. Why don't you avoid it? It's too dangerous just now. If you slow down, you'll be knocked over."

"Aunt, I didn't mean to. I can't see."

What did she say?

Lu Hanting's tall and upright body directly froze in place, her sentence "I can't see" exploded in his ears, and then kept echoing.

Her eyes are out of sight?

Lu Hanting stepped forward and came to the front of Xia Xiwan.

The girl's pair of Jian pupil is still clear and bright, but her eyes which used to be delicate and watery have lost all colors, and the bottom of her eyes has no focus.

Her eyes are really out of sight! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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