Lu Hanting looked up and ran into her eyes. Today, she was wearing a long pale yellow dress with her pure long hair tucked in the back of her earlobe. Xiaoyuanyuan was lying in her arms and looking at him with round eyes.

One big and one small, are good to no good appearance, in Lu Hanting has not any preparation, headache to crack, the unexpected burst into his eyes.

Xia Xiwan stood by the door looking at him, did not come in, "grandma let me wake you up."

"I see." Lu Hanting opened his quilt and found the sleeping pills still in hand. He forgot to put them back in the drawer last night.

At this time, Xia Xiwan stepped in and said, "you How are you doing? How about your sleep now? May I take a pulse for you

She's coming up.

Lu Hanting's pupils shrank and quickly covered the sleeping pills with a quilt. He looked at the past coldly with his eyes, and his thin lips lifted, "go out!"

Xia Xiwan steps a stiff, holding a small round on the rigid in place.

Lu Hanting doesn't want to let her see sleeping pills. She doesn't need her to check his pulse. Don't care about him any more. This will only make him more reluctant to give up.

"If you can't understand people, get out of here!" Lu Hanting picked up the pillow and hit her.

Xia Xiwan did not avoid, was really hit by the pillow, in fact, it does not hurt at all, but the heart seems to split a blood, tearing heart and lung.

Her white eyes turned red again, and she ran out.

She's gone!

Really gone!

Lu Hanting clenched his fist and clenched his bones and joints.

At this time, Lu Hanting looked down. Xiao Yuanyuan was staring at him with a pair of eyes, as if he was going to fight with him in the next second.

It seems that he bought this little Yuanyuan, but his heart is completely on Xia Xiwan. Seeing him bullying his mistress, xiaoyuanyuan becomes a fierce and vicious woman, just like her mistress.


Xia Xiwan cleaned up all the mood and came to the hospital to see the master Xia.

Xia Laozi lies on the bed, has not awakened.

Xia Xiwan brought a basin of water and wiped his body with a warm towel, "grandfather, wake up quickly. If I have any relatives in this sea city, it's only you."

The old man loved Xia Xiwan very much. When he was a child, he carried Xia Xiwan around his shoulder. When he was a child, he did not allow Li Yulan to enter the house, nor allowed Xia Yanyan to recognize her ancestors. He really loved her.

At this time Ye Ling came in, "wanwan, don't worry too much. I believe the old man will wake up soon."

"Yes." Xia Xiwan takes Ye Ling's hand.

"Wanwan, look at it!" Ye Ling suddenly said.

Xia Xiwan turns his head to see, Xia Laozi's finger moved, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Master Xia wakes up!

Xia Xiwan calculates the days, and her grandfather will wake up in these days. When this moment comes, she is still full of unexpected surprise, "grandfather, you finally wake up!"

Mr. Xia has been a vegetable for more than ten years. His eyes are a little confused and dull. When he sees Xia Xiwan, his eyes slowly become clear and clear. He calls out in a voice that is too coarse to hear, "little lady..."

Xia Xiwan's happy eyes are red, she clenched his grandfather's hand, "grandfather, I'm not a little girl, I'm your granddaughter wanwan."

Xia Laozi held Xia Xiwan's hand in reverse, "the young lady is wanwan, and wanwan is my little lady." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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