Xia Xiwan knows what it is. It is the blood of Xia Yanyan.

The fist she had been holding was loosened, as if the most important thing in life had slipped away.

At this time, Xia Yanyan also came out wearing a new nightdress. Her face was flushed, her walking posture was very slow, and her mouth was still brimming with a happy smile.

"Yan Yan, what did you do with Mr. Lu?" Li Yulan ran to Xia Yanyan excitedly and asked aloud.

"Mom, just now I and Mr. Lu I am already the woman of general manager Lu. "

Said Xia Yanyan came to Xia Xiwan's side, affectionately pulled Xia Xiwan's cold hand. "Wanwan, you must not blame Mr. Lu. If you want to blame me, it's my first time. I always have a hard time with Lu. I know I'm sorry for you, but you can help us."

Li Yulan's tail will be lifted to the sky, because her daughter finally climbed into the Dragon bed. "Xia Xiwan, this marriage between you and general manager Lu was a mistake, but now it's just to set things right. General manager Lu was originally Yan Yan Yan. You should return general manager Lu to Yan Yan Yan!"

Xia Xiwan coldly glared at the mother and daughter, and then she took back her small hand, and lifted her hand to Yanyan Yan's face.

"Pa", the crisp slap sound immediately reverberates in the entire corridor.

Xia Zhenguo takes a breath of cold air. Xia Xiwan's firepower is too fierce. She even raises her hand and slaps Xia Yanyan.

Xia Yanyan was hit by the whole face, she was angry to the extreme, but the surface is soft and weak, "wanwan, why do you hit me?"

Xia Xiwan's face is pale, and her eyes are full of traces of water drops. However, her eyes are very cold, showing a bit of fierce and sarcasm. "Xia Yanyan, I beat you because you are cheap, Lu Hanting is my man, and you dare to climb my man's bed. Since you are a junior, you should be prepared to be beaten at any time. Be careful later, I will beat you once Times! "

Xia Yanyan has a beautiful face, red and white. She is obviously humiliated by Xia Xiwan. "Wanwan, we are sisters after all. Why are you so ruthless..."

Xia Yanyan words have not finished, "pa" a, Xia Xiwan backhand and slapped her.

This time, Xia Yanyan is confused by the fan.

"Who are your sisters? If I remember correctly, my grandfather has not let you into the Xia family. Xia Yanyan, I slapped you for the Xia family. In the past, when my grandfather was in charge of the Xia family, the Xia family was also a well-known and powerful family in Haicheng. But since you and your mother came into the house, the Xia family has rushed out a junior. How can the Xia family raise such cheap and cheap things as you! ”


Xia Xiwan's beautiful voice was so loud that everyone was shocked. At the moment, Xia Xiwan in their eyes was so arrogant and bold!

Xia Zhenguo was also shocked. He felt that Xia Xiwan had given him a vivid lesson. He couldn't help clapping because he was like a textbook.

Xia Yanyan is buzzed by two slap fans and tears up her disguise. She looks at Xia Xiwan maliciously, but she quickly bumps into Lu Hanting's dark and fierce narrow eyes. Although he has not uttered a word, he stands behind Xia Xiwan in an airtight protective posture.

Xia Yanyan hated to bite the gums, but she was afraid of Lu Hanting and could not do anything.

At this time, Xia Xiwan took back her eyes and was too lazy to look at Xia Yanyan again. She turned her head to look at Lu Hanting behind her, then stretched out her small hand and slowly grasped his big hand. "Mr. Lu, let's go home."

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