At this time, he pulled her greasy boss to pick her veil again, "little beauty, the bet is good, let's have a look at your real face of Lushan."

"Wait a minute." Xia Xiwan opens his mouth quickly.

The greasy boss stopped and said, "little beauty, what do you want to say?"

"I have said that I am not the hostess here, but you can let me accompany you. Let me play a game with you. If I win, let me go. If I lose, let me go."

She wants to play cards.

These bosses are surrounded by women, thin and fat, what have not seen, but like Xia Xiwan such calm and wise women who can play tricks, is really not many.

This immediately aroused the curiosity of these men.

"Anyway, you can't escape our palm, so let you play a game, which is more interesting."

Xia Xiwan sits on the card table, beside him is Lu Hanting.

Lu Hanting did not speak during the whole process, only elegant and casual smoking his own cigarette, but he was the king of the audience.

Huo Xize picked a sword eyebrow to Xia Xiwan and reminded him kindly, "no one can play my second brother at cards. Otherwise, please ask my second brother to be merciful later?"

Xia Xiwan did not speak.

She didn't want to ask him.

Lu Hanting has no emotional waves, but the whole person's aura is chilly. The ash on his fingertips falls into the ashtray with a layer of anger.

"Mr. Lu, let's start. Deal cards."

Xia Xiwan took over the card, played a card calmly and went out, and the boss who accompanied him was out quickly.

When Xia Xiwan played the second card, Huo Xize threw the card in his hand on the table and looked at the remaining Lu Hanting angrily. "Second brother, this woman's memory and the ability to deduce and calculate cards are not bad. I'm out of the game. The second brother will revenge me!"

When Xia Xiwan came up, two people were out of the game. The bosses in the luxury box all gathered around to watch them,

little beauty, they didn't see that you still had this skill.

Now it's your game with Mr. Lu, but Mr. Lu has never lost, unless Mr. Lu wants to lose.

Xia Xiwan looks up at Lu Hanting. In fact, she seldom plays cards. However, she has seen Ye Ling play. Ye Ling's playing skills are so bad that she always loses money, so she is pulled up to win.

Xia Xiwan is intelligent and skillful in playing cards. She learns very quickly. However, she has no chance to win when playing cards with such big men as Lu Hanting.

If she wants to win, it can only be Lu Hanting who lets her win.

But she didn't want to ask him.

Since it has been broken, it should be completely broken, or even she will look down on herself.

Xia Xiwan played the cards in his hand.

Lu Han Ting slowly narrowed his deep narrow eyes in the smoke. He knew that she was stubborn and refused to beg for mercy. He was determined to share his clean heart with him. He held half of the cigarette in his thin lip, and he played the card.

Huo Xize fixed his eyes on the table and started, "the second brother is fierce, the second brother is powerful!"

Xia Xiwan quivers her slender feather, she loses.

"Little beauty, the opportunity has been given to you, but you have lost. You have lost 30 million."

30 million?

Xia Xiwan doesn't know how much the bet is. The 30 million yuan will be enough for her life.

After playing cards once, she was in debt of 30 million yuan.

"Don't panic, little beauty. You can find someone to help you pay 30 million yuan. But we need to see your chips and take off the veil first."

The greasy boss has gone to pick the veil of Xia Xiwan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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