Lu Hanting is a man, men are visual animals, like to see beautiful women, Lu Hanting from childhood around are all beauties, have immunity.

But when he saw Xia Xiwan's beautiful face, his deep pupil shrank a little. He had imagined her appearance. Her intelligent and smart face was not bad, but he did not expect her to be so beautiful.

Lu Hanting raised his hand to touch her face.

But Xia Xiwan has quickly put on the veil, "Mr. Lu, you can see it. I'll go first."

Xia Xiwan pushed him away and ran out.


Xia Xiwan went into the bathroom, patted her face with cold water, and then wiped the water drops.

She has been wearing a veil since she was a child. In fact, it's OK to show it to others, but this face will bring her a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Later she got used to it, and she came back from the countryside, and no one had seen her face.

He was the first.

Xia Xiwan opened the bathroom door and went out. The next second she saw a tall and upright body in the corridor.

Lu Hanting came, leaning lazily on the wall with his straight back, and he was smoking a cigarette with one hand in his trouser pocket.

The dim yellow light in the corridor gilded his handsome and delicate side face a bit magnificent. He could not hide his mature and cool air in black. He stood at the door of the women's bathroom, which was more like swagger. The girls who had been provoked to look back frequently.

Xia Xiwan admits that Lu Hanting is particularly charming. He is like a piece of iron stone. The elegant gentleman and romantic sentiment in his heart firmly attract people's attention.

He has been smoking these two days.

Summer evening line forward, want to leave directly.

But one of his long legs stretched out, blocking her way.

Xia Xiwan raised his eyes and looked at him, "what does Mr. Lu mean? Is it to see the color?"

Lu Hanting stood up straight, his tall body in front of her, his eyes lingered on her face covered by the veil, and then stretched out his fingers holding cigarettes, trying to pick her veil.

Xia Xiwan pushed him away and ran away.

Lu Hanting looks at her away pretty shadow and hooks a thin lip.

At this time, Huo Xize came over, a face of gossip, "second brother, how, the second sister-in-law is ugly without face or looks like a fairy?"

Lu Hanting glanced at Huo Xize, "put away your curiosity."

Huoxize was aggrieved and shrunk his neck. At this time, he suddenly said, "second brother, what's wrong with your pants here? It seems that something is stained with it."

Lu Hanting drooped his eyes and saw that there was a place on his black trousers that became dark, like something stained with water.

Only Xia Xiwan was sitting on his lap just now.

"Second brother Hey, second brother, where are you going


Xia Xiwan went out of the 1949 bar and was ready to return to Youlan garden.

At this time, a string of melodious cell phone rings, she called.

It's from Lu Hanting.

What did he call her for?

Xia Xiwan didn't want to answer, so she put her mobile phone in her bag.

At this time, a bus came and xiaxiwan got on the bus.

There are a lot of people on the bus. There are no seats. Xia Xiwan stands by the window and looks at the bustling scenery.

Look, there is a sports car chasing our bus!

That's Aston Martin sports car. It's limited to three cars in the world. The price is $6 million. My God, it's so cool!

The man in the sports car is so handsome. I'm going to faint.

He's looking at me!

Dream, you, he's looking at me!

There was a commotion around her, especially the young girls, who almost screamed. Xia Xiwan turned her head and looked in the direction of the crowd. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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