Li Yanran was full of expectation just now. He rubbed her hair, which is a small action that boys love girls very much. At her birthday party, in such a good atmosphere, she thought he would hold her and kiss her next, but there was nothing. He just wanted to simply rub her long hair.

Lu Hanting took back his hand. "Yan Ran, I'll have an appointment later. I'll go first."


He's leaving?

"Brother Han Ting, you're just here. Are you leaving so soon?" Li Yanran is a little unhappy, and a little lost.

However, Lu Hanting was not affected by her, and did not even look at her. Instead, he looked down at the small circle at the foot, "small circle, go."

Xiaoyuanyuan agrees with xiaoyuanyuan by raising her claws. OK, master, let's go!

Li Yanran looks at Lu Hanting. Sometimes she feels that she doesn't know this man at all, even far away from him. He is always so indifferent and cold. No one can enter. Only when a certain time, he will show a little softness to her.

Lu Hanting pulled out his legs and left with a small circle.

At this time, Sun Jin burst into laughter. Sun Jin said in a loud voice, "we are so happy today. Let's play a trick on the eight Clowns of Xia family."

"Well, Sun Shao, what do you want to do?" How wonderful you are.

Sun Jin took out his mobile phone and pinched a young model Shanshan's waist. "I'll call that eight clowns in Xia's family now. Don't even say anything. You know, Shanshan, you'll call on the phone later. The more beautiful the call is, the better. Have a look at the response of the clown eight monsters."

"My God, Sun Shao, you play too much, too much damage, you know how to play!"

Shanshan pretty twist a small waist, "Sun Shao, you hate, how to call ah, I can't call."

Sun Jin gave a kiss on his face. "Can't you shout? Who called last night

Ha ha ha.

The atmosphere of the scene has reached a climax. The Xia family has not been recognized by the upper class nobles such as the imperial capital. However, as a big brother in the lake, no one dares to provoke the xias. Now, the little daughter of the Xia family who has just been found has become the focus of these people. Of course, it is the focus of ridicule and ridicule.

Sun Jin put his finger to his lips and made a gesture of Shh. Everyone was very cooperative and quieted down. There was no sound at the scene.

Sun Jin dialed the phone number he had just got and turned on the hands-free. The melodious ring of the mobile phone quickly echoed in the whole hall.

Everyone is holding their breath.

After the bell rings again, the phone at that end was picked up, and a clear and beautiful soft voice was passed over, "Hello, who is it?"

Holding their breath, the crowd quickly made a look in their eyes. Oh, how could the eight clown voices of the Xia family sound so good?

Lu Hanting with a small round has already walked to the door, is about to go out, but heard this "hello", his feet suddenly stopped.

Lu Han Ting turns around, deep narrow eyes swept to the prankster Sun Jin, looking at the mobile phone in his hand.


He didn't know what magic this "hello" had. He felt that when the clear and beautiful soft voice reached his ear, his heart shrank violently. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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