Now it seems that the people on the other end of the phone are very interesting.

Lu Hanting if there seems to be no hook a thin lip, and then with a small round turn to leave.

In the cloister, Chongwen monk Wu has been waiting for his young master Lu Hanting. When he sees Lu Hanting coming out, the two quickly and respectfully follow him up.

Chongwen pushed a face paralysis warrior, "I seem to see the little Lord smile."

Shangwu has no expression, "Oh."

Chongwen said excitedly, "the little Lord has laughed. Since returning to the imperial capital, I haven't seen the little Lord smile!"

Shang Wu still has no expression, "Oh."

Chongwen "..." There was no way to chat. No one was gossiping with him.

Chongwen thought about it for a moment. Is Shaozhu laughing because of the little daughter who just came back from the Xia family?

"Little Lord, the two families of sun and Xia have an engagement. A little daughter of the Xia family was lost when she was a child. She has just been found. This little daughter is Sun Jin's fiancee." Chongwen reports in a low voice.

Lu Hanting's handsome face did not have any emotional waves, he looked at Chongwen lightly, "I asked you these?"

"No," Chongwen shook his head, "but if the little Lord likes it, I'll ask Shangwu to visit the Xia family at night. I'll steal that little daughter of the Xia family to wash it up and leave it on the little master's bed, and let her stay in bed tonight."

Xia family all have extraordinary martial arts, even a servant can fight, but these can not defeat martial arts, although martial arts is a facial paralysis, but his skill is superb.

Chongwen looked at Shang Wu, Shang Wu nodded and said, "yes."

Lu Hanting's narrow eyes like hawk and Falcon swept over and spat out a word from his thin lips, "roll!"

The warrior figure disappeared.

Chongwen is frozen in place. He is too bullying. He can't fight. How can he get out?


Lujia villa.

Lu Hanting returned to the Lu's home. He stood tall and legs long in the living room. His slender fingers untied the button of the black suit and handed it to the maid. "Where's the old lady?"

"Master, the old lady is upstairs." Said the maid respectfully.

"How is your appetite today?"

"Back to the young master, the old lady only ate half a bowl of white rice porridge, and her appetite is still very bad."

Lu Hanting's heroic eyebrows quickly became a Sichuan character. Everyone knows that if the old lady goes on like this, the time is coming, and she won't last long.

Lu Hanting went upstairs with long legs to see the old lady, but he went to the door of the study. Perhaps because the door of the study was not closed tightly, the voice inside quickly passed to his ears. It was Lu Zixian's voice.

Lu Zixian went home today.

"Dad, I'll ask you again, where did you get her? Why can't I find her? You, as well as grandma, you have got what you want. Can't you give her back to me? I can save her. You must kill her like this. Are you cruel, selfish and cold-blooded? "

"Enough!" It was Liu Zhaodi's voice, "Zixian, are you crazy? How can you talk to your father like this? What's good about that woman? Did she give you overpowering drugs and make you dizzy!"

The door of the study was soon opened and Lu Zixian came out.

Lu Zixian saw Lu Hanting outside the door, so the two people's line of sight hit. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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