Lu Hanting came, standing in the corridor in front of him, with one hand in his trouser pocket. The light of the corridor in champagne was plated on his three-dimensional handsome face. The man in black shirt and black trousers was exquisite from head to foot, which was precious and charming.

Meow ~

xiaoyuanyuan called twice.

Xia Xiwan didn't expect to meet him by surprise in the emperor's bar. She was stunned in situ.

Lu Hanting comes to find xiaoyuanyuan. Usually, xiaoyuanyuan is very sticky and almost never leaves him. Once there is a girl around him, Xiao Yuanyuan will meow fiercely, as if to swear his own sovereignty, although he does not know what sovereignty a cat is swearing in.

Today, xiaoyuanyuan suddenly disappeared. When he found out, he saw a scene in front of him in the corridor. His little Yuanyuan was held in her arms by a delicate girl. She lowered her head and didn't know what to say to xiaoyuanyuan happily. Her side face was very sweet.

All along, xiaoyuanyuan, who has always maintained a kind of inexplicable hostility to all girls, actually lies in the girl's arms obediently. When the girl's little hands shuttle into its soft white hair and knead, she squints comfortably.

Xiao Yuanyuan called out to Lu Hanting again. Look, your wife Lu is here. You can't go out to wave again!

Lu Hanting pulled out his long legs and walked over step by step. He stopped in front of Xia Xiwan. He met her in the car after school in the afternoon. But now, looking at her closely, the girl's skin is broken. A pair of bright Jian Tong is originally beautiful, and now it is covered with stars. When looking at him, he flashes and looks forward to the flow.

Unfortunately, she had a veil on her face and couldn't see her face clearly.

"This is my cat." Lu Hanting's voice was low and open.

"Oh," Xia Xiwan shuddered for a while. The slender feather Jie resisted the palpitation in his heart and handed him the small round circle. "Just now it followed me, I held it for a while, and now I give it back to you."

Lu looked at her and reached for the cat.

Xiaoyuanyuan doesn't want to go with Lu Hanting, so she grabs Xia Xiwan's long hair and tugs her hard.


Xia Xiwan gave a light cry, and his delicate body fell forward. The next second he hit Lu Hanting's warm and vigorous chest.

Two people's bodies immediately stick together, his body that cool smell of men quickly attacked her senses.

Xia Xiwan raised his bright eyes and looked at him in a panic.

Lu Hanting didn't expect to have such a one. Now her delicate and boneless body bumped into his arms, her small face was raised, and her bright eyes looked at his dark turn, just like a deer bumping around.

Lu Hanting felt that his heart was gently scratched by a kitten's paw, which was painful and crisp.

The girl is very similar to the little circle in her arms.

"Are you all right?" Lu Han Ting asked in a low voice.

Xia Xiwan shook his head, "I'm fine, I'm sorry..."

"Let go of the handle first."

Xia Xiwan found that her two small hands tightly grabbed the black shirt on his waist just now. Now her soft white finger belly has touched the strong muscles on his waist through the thin and expensive clothes, which is strong and full of man's strength.

Her fingertip is like burning, even the snow-white earlobe is covered with red, small hands released, she quickly back two steps. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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