Li Yanran put away her mobile phone, and she was not sure about Lu Hanting's mind. Was he interested in or not interested in Xia Xiwan?

If he's interested, why doesn't he come?

Li Yan Ran turned to think again, such as Lu Hanting's status and power men, what kind of women have not seen, thin and fat, he never lack of temptation, he is not a superficial man, will be a girl's beauty to be fascinated, he should have no idea of Xia Xiwan.

Li Yanran himself has never put a girl of Xia Xiwan's birth in his eyes. She is not worthy to be her opponent.

Such a thought, Li Yan Ran whole person relaxed.

However, she still wanted to see this wonderful play in person. She was very curious about the ugliness of the face under Xia Xiwan's veil.


Lu Hanting is now in the hospital, because old lady Lu suddenly fainted and was rushed to the hospital.

Lu Hanting stands tall and legs long in the corridor. His beautiful face is full of cold haze. He looks at Liu Zhaodi and says, "how did grandma faint?"

In recent years, Liu Zhaodi has maintained herself very well. She looks like a charming young woman in her thirties. She has the amazing beauty of her youth.

Now she looked at Lu Hanting's face and said sadly, "Han Ting, you can't blame me for this matter. You also know that you can't eat anything. I take good care of grandma every day, but After all, grandma is old, so you have to prepare yourself. If grandma dies

Lu Hanting grabbed Liu Zhaodi's arm and said in a cold voice, "you'd better talk to me well!"

With that, he pushed Liu Zhaodi away.

Liu Zhaodi didn't stand firm. She staggered backward for two steps, almost falling down. But at this time, a healthy arm came over and clasped her waist to stabilize her.

Liu Zhaodi raised her head, and her eyes were filled with deep love and joy, "Sir, are you back?"

After so many years, Lu Zixian has been so big, but Liu Zhaodi's fanatical love for Lu sijue has not faded, and is still as fresh as when she was young.

Sir Lucifer had just returned from abroad with a black tweed coat on his body. Song Ming, his personal housekeeper, stood behind him, respectfully carrying a black handbag.

Lu sijue's body was stained with tiredness, but it was just a little more profound and dignified for a 50 year old middle-aged man who had been in a high position all the time. He stabilized Liu Zhaodi and then let go of his hand. He looked at Lu Hanting and said, "ah Ting, she is your aunt after all."

Lu Hanting looked at Lu sijue and drew a sarcastic arc on his thin lips. "You don't think it's disgusting to see sisters serving one husband together, but I'm disgusted by the word" aunt. "

Liu Zhaodi was stiff at the mention of this topic.

But Lu sijue was light. There was no wave in his eyes. He looked at Liu Zhaodi and said, "you go back first."

Liu Zhaodi never dares to disobey this man. She also knows that this imperial man likes obedient women. Her sister Yingluo was too strong at that time.

"Good sir, I'll go back first."

Liu Zhaodi turned to leave. Before leaving, she looked at Lu Hanting. No matter how she investigated, she couldn't find out how good his mental illness was. If she used words to stimulate him a few years ago, he would have been ill. But this time he came back from Haicheng, he was better and became a normal person. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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