But these actions are made by these girls in white T and black skirts. They are cute, cute and a little bit small. They just stab the hearts of young men and straight men.

Crack a, t big basketball team leader's water bottle in the hand all dropped, looked crazy.

Xia Xiwan has dance skills. This honey is very good at controlling. In the middle of the dance, they turn around and Xia Xiwan looks up. The tall and upright body on the auditorium burst into her eyes.

She suddenly saw Lu Hanting.

Now Lu Hanting is also looking at her. I don't know whether her eyesight is too good or his eyes are too wanton and straightforward. She clearly sees his deep narrow eyes falling on her body and looks up and down carelessly.

It's a man looking at a woman.

Xia Xiwan's pretty face suddenly climbed into the suspicious blush, dancing this little dance in front of the man he liked, he would feel a little shy.

But think of his bad behavior, but also insisted that she was in hook. Lead him, then she has what to fear?

Xia Xiwan follows the music, the small hand fork is in oneself Yingying a grip on the slender waist, in front of his face, twisted his buttocks.

Lu Hanting's eyes on the auditorium suddenly darkened, and the protruding laryngeal knot moved slowly for two times. She still dared to quibble and not hook him. Now she dares to twist her butt at him in public. It's not what seduction is, but more and more bold.

Lu Hanting didn't know how much effort she had put in order to attract himself. He felt that he liked everything about her, such as her face, her black eyes, and her graceful and delicate girl's figure.

He noticed her dress style, she liked to wear pure soft or delicate colors, and her honey, which made him unable to move his eyes.

He never dared to think that a girl would suddenly appear in the world, as if it was tailor-made for him, which satisfied all his fantasies and love for a girl.

Lu Hanting also felt that he was very abnormal recently. For example, today, he purposely went to Wu School of a university. He also promised to stay and watch these cheerleaders dance.

He never did that before.

He seemed to have been influenced by her.

At this time, a Hoey has come to an end, Xia Xiwan with a big cheerleading team bows to the audience.

Ah ah ah!

The whole scene erupted into a scream, and even someone took out the trumpet horn to blow there. The atmosphere of the scene has surpassed Li Yanran's opening dance.

Xia Xiwan has become the champion of the cheerleading team in this basketball game.

Jiang Xin stamped her feet angrily. "Yanran, this year's a-big is too mean. They should have guessed our routine, so they did the opposite. As soon as they came out, our baby seemed too hot to jump. Unlike college girls, the boys now eat honey series, which are soft and sweet, and have a degree of topic. They hold men's minds in mind It's too accurate to step on us easily

Li Yanran of course also knows these, now their baby has become a foil, this time a big hit a perfect psychological war.

How has a big changed so much?

Li Yan Ran looks up, suddenly saw a lazy and soft figure in the crowd, is Ye Ling!

It's Ye Ling!

When Li Yanran looks again, Ye Ling has disappeared.

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