In another presidential suite, Lu took a cold shower and came out wearing a black silk pajama.

Gu Yejin handed a glass of red wine in the past, "it's reasonable to say that Xia Xiwan can't sleep tonight. What method does she use to turn you from Yin to Qing?"

Lu Hanting sipped a mouthful of red wine, "I am very happy obviously?"

Gu Yejin leaned on the counter and sipped a mouthful of red wine, "just tell others you are very happy."

Lu Hanting draws thin lips, he admits that he is in a good mood. Xia Xiwan is jealous for a phone call. Can he be unhappy?

At this time, the bell of the room rang.

There is a knock at the door.

It's Yan Yi.

Yan Yi came in a hurry as soon as he received the call. Now he carefully observed Lu Hanting's face, "president, do you want me to come here for something?"

Lu Hanting sat on the sofa, "Secretary Yan, Huarong answered my phone. Why don't you say that?"

Yan Yi knew that his president was just making a phone call for this matter. At that time, he didn't pay attention to it.

"President, is there any problem with this matter? What trade secrets did director Hua steal?" Yan Yi looks frightened.

At this time, Gu Yejin sat on the other side of the sofa, looked at Lu Hanting, "OK, look, Secretary Yan was scared, just a phone call, no business secrets, that is, the phone call was answered by your president's wife, misunderstood, jealous, and quarreled with your president for two days, see your president all made to live in this bar."


Yan Yi is stunned. In his impression, the president of his family is handsome, mature and powerful. He should not be a Hen pecked?

At this time, the doorbell rang again.

Someone's coming.

Yan Yi quickly goes to open the door Huarong.

Speak of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

"Director Hua, what do you want?"

Huarong, as a public relations director, has been dealing with men. Naturally, she is beautiful and charming, with long wavy hair and a body wrapped in a red skirt, which makes men unable to refuse.

Huarong held a thermos cup in his hand and said with a charming smile, "Secretary Yan, I heard that the president has been playing cards all night in the bar these two days. I personally cooked some soup for the president, hoping that Secretary Yan could send it in."

Yan Yi's forehead was in a cold sweat. "Director Hua, I dare not make decisions about the president's affairs. Now I'll go in and ask the president."

Yan Yi closes the door of the room and returns to the room. "President, director Hua has come and said that he cooked some soup for you personally. This..."

Gu Yejin hook lips, "all said that this woman's sixth sense is the most accurate, it seems that summer evening Wan this vinegar is not to eat indiscriminately."

Huarong came up to give Lu Hanting stew in the evening. He knew that Lu was in a bad mood these two days. It was the time for her to have a bad temper with his wife. At this time, she came to explain her feelings gently, which was the best time to take advantage of the opportunity.

It seems that Hua Rong, the public relations director, has been thinking about Lu Hanting for a long time.

Lu Hanting's side has never been short of women, more is to throw in arms, such as Huarong such a careful machine can see through at a glance, he has no emotional waves, but his voice is thin and cold, "let her go."

"Yes, president."

"Wait a minute." Lu Han Ting suddenly changed his mind, "take the stew and let her go."

"Yes, president."

Gu Yejin looked at Lu Hanting, "the vinegar of xiaxiwan is not enough. You don't want Huarong to disappear. Do you want to stimulate xiaxiwan with Huarong?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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