Lu Hanting looked at her bright Jian Tong, "do you still want me to help that Wang Cong?"

"It's not to help Wang Cong. It's a bad competition. Someone beat Wang Cong. Wang Cong is our team leader. I need to call out the surveillance..."

"So what?" Lu Han Ting interrupted her.

Xia Xiwan looks at him, "what?"

Lu Hanting put his stiff back in the back seat lazily, and his handsome eyebrows were full of indifference and indifference of the upper managers in the shopping mall. "What do you mean, what does it have to do with me?"


"It's your own trouble. Why should I help you to deal with it? Xia Xiwan, I'm not interested in what you said just now. If you are smart enough, you should say something while I still have patience to give you time What people should say. "

The blood in Xia Xiwan's head is half cold. Yes, why should he help her? Now he is just a businessman, and he is no longer her Mr. Lu.

Xia Xiwan pulled his white fingers, and his bright eyes met his eyes. "What do you want? How can you help me? Since Mr. Lu has stopped the car, it must be because I have made you profitable."

Lu Hanting frowned a heroic sword eyebrow, big hand squeezed her soft waist again, her waist Ying Ying Ying a grip, let him want to break it.

"Is that your attitude of asking for help? How do you know I eat this? There are so many people who want me to help. You can't wait to take advantage of my power even before I get on my bed. Mr. Lu and Mr. Lu, you don't really regard me as your general manager? "

Xia Xiwan's face turned white. She always knew his eloquence. If he wanted to humiliate a person, he didn't need to tear his face. Just a few words could make a person feel cramped.

He always thought that she wanted to take advantage of him, he always thought she was not a good girl.

It's a waste of time here. It's better to return to the basketball court as soon as possible. The game in the second half will start soon.

"Forget it. I'll try my best. Mr. Lu, excuse me." Xia Xiwan climbed down from his strong thigh with his hands and feet.

Lu Hanting's eyes sank, and his handsome face was about to drip. What he was most proud of was his self-control. No one could affect his mood.

But she did, and she easily provoked his anger.

Lu Hanting's arm was closed, and he put his arm around her soft waist and pulled her back directly. "Xia Xiwan, do you play with me? Who will allow you to come and go when you say so?"

Xia Xiwan's delicate body bumped into his fine chest, as if into a wall, she immediately twisted her eyebrows, two small hands against him, trying to push him away, "what are you doing, let me go quickly!"

Lu Han Ting did not move. He looked at her like a kitten struggling in his arms. He pinched her small jaw with two long fingers and forced her to look up at him. "In your eyes, what am I, eh? When I'm in a good mood, seduce me. When I'm hooked, I'll shake my face. No one dares to treat me like this. Today I'll teach you a lesson! "

With that, he bowed his head and gave her a kiss.

Xia Xiwan's clear pupil contracted violently for a moment. He didn't expect that he would kiss her with his head bowed down. His kiss was very rough, and the storm deliberately wanted to hurt her.

Xia Xiwan pinched his fist and pushed him hard. He also clenched his teeth and refused to open his mouth. He struggled hard and refused to kiss him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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