However, he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

After a while, Lu Hanting opened the quilt and got out of bed. He changed his clothes and took his mobile phone out of the gate of Xiyuan and drove away.


In the bar.

Xia Xiwan left the luxury box. Today, Wu school invited her. Everyone indulged and had a good time. However, she looked at the time and it was more than eight o'clock. It was time to go back. So she said goodbye to everyone in advance and came out.

At this time, fan Tian caught up and said, "wanwan, you forgot to take your coat. It's cold outside. Put it on quickly."

"Tiantian, thank you."

"Wanwan, I'm really happy today. We all feel that since we met you, each of us has become different." Fan Tian said with a silly smile.

Summer evening wan smile, "Tian Tian, you drink a bit of wine have become numb."

Fan Tian took Xia Xiwan's fiber arm and said, "wanwan, I feel that you are omnipotent. Do you have any goal and what do you want to do in particular?"

Xia Xiwan tilted his head and thought, "yes, I want to enter science college."

"Academy of Sciences?"

"Yes, the Academy of Sciences enrolls students in Colleges and universities every year. My goal is to enter the Academy of science. Tian Tian, you should work hard and we will go in together."


This was heard by a man who was Li Yanran!

Li Yanran also came. She stood in the corner and heard Xia Xiwan's words clearly. Xia Xiwan said that she wanted to enter science college.

Li Yanran didn't expect that Xia Xiwan's target was the Academy of Sciences. She teased her lips, then walked to a corner, took out her mobile phone and dialed out a phone number.

Soon, the phone was connected, and an old and hale voice rang out, "Hello, Yanran, why do you call me so late?"

"Night old, I suddenly thought of one thing, the imperial capital of the major colleges and universities will soon join the examination, in the end of the joint examination, the Academy of Sciences will come down to select talents?"


"In the past, colleges of Science gave every university a chance, but this year it should be an exception. Should we cancel the qualification of those colleges and universities that can't make it into the top five, especially such a university with no talent?" Li Yan Ran asked.

"Yes, if you can't get into the top five universities in this year's joint examination, they will be disqualified. I'll give it to my subordinates, and I'll give them a notice tomorrow."

Li Yanran put away her mobile phone. She breathed a sigh of relief. Xia Xiwan wanted to enter the Institute of science. She said that early.

Li Lu Xu ye, one of the four most powerful families in the imperial capital, was the president of the Academy of Sciences and the representative of the whole old man.

Li Ye's two families have a deep personal relationship. She only needs a phone call to cut off Xia Xiwan's way into the Academy of Sciences.

This time, there is a good show to watch.


Xia Xiwan says goodbye to fan Tian and goes out of the bar gate. She wants to take a taxi. But at this time, a silver gray Maybach stops and opens the driving door. A cool and beautiful figure enters the sight.

Xia Xiwan's long feather flutters, unexpectedly is Lu Zixian, who has not been seen for a long time.

Lu Zixian is here!

Lu Zixian's cold black eyes fell on her big juelian face, and then stepped forward and directly held her.

"Wanwan, I've been looking for you. I've finally found you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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