Lu Hanting is a mature and normal man. Now two people have pierced that layer of window paper. Some things don't need to be installed. He pinches her soft waist with big hands. He looks at her with deep and straight eyes, "yes, so what? I won't treat you badly, even if I give you three days. "

He has always been generous and generous to women, which he believes.

Xia Xiwan hooked up a bright red diamond lip, "but..."

"But what?" In Lu's opinion, she agreed to this relationship.

Xia Xiwan tilted his head, "but sometimes the school curriculum will be very late, I can't guarantee that I go home before 8 o'clock every day."

Two people are so close, Lu Hanting smelled the sweet fragrance of a young girl on her body. He has smelled the fragrance on her body, and once he smelled it, he was fascinated.

Lu Hanting bullies her and pastes his handsome face on her long hair. He closes his beautiful eyes. He can still see the picture of Lu Zixian holding her outside the bar. He knows that she is not a good girl, but he still wants her and even binds her with an agreement.

As long as she and Lu Zixian break up with those people, he can not investigate, as if nothing has been seen.

But how could he live like this?

Living so humble, what kind of woman does he want?

Lu Hanting strongly kisses her fragrant long black hair and protruding laryngeal knot rolling up and down. At this moment, he follows the most primitive desire in his heart. Maybe when he has a relationship with her, he will be tired of sleeping for several times. They all say that women have fresh-keeping period, but he just wants to taste it.

"In some cases, you can tell me in advance." He said in a hoarse voice.

"But," Xia Xiwan paused, "I still have a problem. I'm allergic to post-treatment drugs. I can't take them."

Speaking of this, Lu Hanting's narrow eyes suddenly red, "children certainly can't have, I don't want children, and I don't like children very much. If you are allergic to western medicine, I'll ask someone else to recuperate you."

Lu Hanting had a very bad childhood. He didn't like children. He didn't want children all his life. DINK was very good.

"But Xia Xiwan wants to speak again.

Lu Han Ting pushed her away a little, opened a pair of scarlet narrow eyes full of lust, coldly staring at her, "is that enough? You have said enough. Don't challenge my bottom line again and again, and get more than you need?"

Xia Xiwan that pair of clear eyes in the smile a little bit back down, eyes become clear, she looked at him, "the last but, but, I promise you?"


Lu Hanting's tall and upright body is stiff. What is she talking about?

Just now she told him that she didn't agree?

"If you want to support me, you should also see if I give you a chance. Since it is a transaction, you are willing to buy it, but I am not willing to sell it."

"Xia Xiwan, do you play with me?" Lu Hanting's handsome face was overcast, and he forced out the dense syllables from his throat.

Xia Xiwan stretched out her hand and directly threw the bag. The maintenance agreement was thrown in the garbage can. She stretched out her small hand against the man's strong chest and pushed him back forcefully. Then she oppressed her and said, "Lu Zong didn't inquire about my market. If I want to sell, I want to pack. There are many men who raise me, and why are you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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