She's gone.

Wu Ma stood in the spot and watched Xia Xiwan's delicate figure. She did not give up her eyes. "Wanwan went away so quickly. I thought she would stay a few more days. When she left so suddenly, I felt empty in my heart."

Wu Ma said, her eyes were red.

The old lady is the most reluctant to leave Xia Xiwan, but she did not leave her, she knew that as long as she left, Xia Xiwan would certainly stay.

However, she has no face to open this mouth.

Xia Xiwan once died for Lu Hanting. Now how can she let the Lu family become her burden?

She is no longer Mrs. Lu. The Lu family has not given her the same protection and glory. What makes her pay here all the time?

No one can stop the girl, she should go further and become a better self.

The old lady looked at Lu Hanting on the opposite side and said, "ah Ting, you can send off the appointment. I'm in good health now. You haven't settled the salary to him yet? Wanwan is not a member of our family. She has no obligation to work for us in vain

Lu was silent for two seconds, then got up and went out.


Xia Xiwan was walking on the lawn. At this time, a steady footstep came from behind. A big hand reached over and grabbed her slender white wrist.

Xia Xiwan stops and turns around. Lu Hanting's delicate face is magnified infinitely in her sight. He is staring at her, his eyes are deep and unhappy.

"If you have anything to say, let me go!" Xia Xiwan pulls back his bright wrist.

But did not succeed, because Lu Hanting tightly pulled her, "do you really want to go?"

"Grandma's health is almost good, and I don't need to stay."

Lu Hanting looks at her face, except grandma, there is no other, there is no other can let her linger?

Take out the card from Lu tingrou and give it to her

Xia Xiwan looked at this black card with gold stamping. Before, her Mr. Lu also gave her a black card. "I don't want this card. It's not convenient to take the card to get money. I'll be here for a few days. You can give me 1000 yuan. When you have cash, give me cash."

Xia Xiwan returned the gold black card to him and left here.

Lu Hanting is frozen in place, watching the girl's delicate figure disappear in his sight. She will leave sooner or later, because she is not his or her own, and she does not want to be with him, but he did not think that she walked so fast that he was caught off guard.

As a young man, Lu Hanting, who is a teenager and plays with the business world, should want to open his mind. At most, it's an affair. The two people haven't talked to each other. She's gone, but he should continue to live his life

But why did his heart suddenly empty a piece, ache again afflictive?

Lu Hanting raised his legs and kicked the garbage can, which made a loud noise.

He closed his eyes and gasped for breath. Only in this way could he feel that he could breathe.


Xia Xiwan went to school directly. At the gate of a, she saw many students gathered there, as if they were waiting for someone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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