Xia Xiwan said this, all people take a breath of air conditioning, what, she even openly challenged T University's school flower learning bully Yan Ran?

Li Yanran not only has a high popularity and good reputation, but also works hard in private. Every time she submits the answers are very beautiful. She is the love of vice school Zhou and has high expectations. No one dares to challenge her.

Now Xia Xiwan has just arrived. She has been returned by T University and entered the bottom of a university in the exam. Now she is blatantly clamoring for Li Yanran.

This scene is really shocking, we all look at her in shock, where does she come from?

Li Yan Ran hook lip to smile, "Xia Xiwan, you really want to challenge me? Why don't you go back and think about it? I feel that I've really bullied you by fighting with you in the arena. "

Li Yanran is full of self-confidence, in the joint examination, she really can't see Xia Xiwan, which is not more beautiful than face, but more knowledge than wisdom.

Now the bright morning sun to the earth plating a layer of magnificent gold, summer sunset line bathed in the sun, clear water eyes calmly looking at Li Yanran, "Li Yanran, if you don't hear clearly, then I say again, I want to challenge you in the coming joint examination, do you dare to answer the challenge?"

Li Yanran was shocked by Xia Xiwan's courage now. She hummed, "good, Xia Xiwan, I will fight, let's have a contest in the joint examination!"

"Good!" Xia Xiwan nods.

Fan Tian was inspired by Xia Xiwan. She felt that Xia Xiwan would dare to challenge Li Yanran. What could she dare to do? She quickly stood up and said, "wanwan, how can I let you fight alone? We said yesterday that we should share weal and woe. Although I can't challenge Li Yanran, this time, I will try my best to advance into the top five for our a!"

Soon, other people came out, boys or girls, one by one, standing beside Xia Xiwan. "I joined in. I think I also entered a university with the score of 12 in the whole province. I lost my books in the past two years. I don't know if it will be strange to pick up the books now!"

"I also joined, my grades are not good, barely entered the a university, I did not study hard before, I do not know if I will frighten myself a big jump!"

"I also join, for a big honor and work hard, one more point is a point!"

They want to fight with Xia Xiwan. They don't know in the future that Xia Xiwan is a 15-year-old double post doctor who has made a new achievement in the whole medical field. Will they laugh at their innocence and dare to fight with t.

The faces of the students at the opposite T University have changed again and again. This scene reminds them of the United a university on the basketball court yesterday. At that time, they burst out with amazing potential. Now they have come to this move again.

The students at T University are suddenly afraid that history will repeat itself.

Li Yanran Yanran pulled a fist, she had to admit that Xia Xiwan was easy to infect others. She entered a big, and was not changed by a big, but changed the whole a big.

The students around her used to be muddling along and muddleheaded, but now the students standing beside her are full of energy and grace.

Li Yan ran cold eyes, "well, we'll see you in the joint examination!"

Li Yanran left with the t big person.

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