"What note?"

"There was nothing on the note, just a line of words with an address on it."

"Send me the address."

"OK, Xiwan, what should we do now? Should we call the police? President Gu flew to Europe for business in the past two days and has not come back yet. You know, Lingling, her face can't fall into the hands of any man. Too many people are greedy for her. "

Xia Xiwan grabs the mobile phone with her white fingers and forces herself to calm down. She quickly analyzes it. Liu Zhaodi is just a warning. At least now, she won't really move Ye Ling.

However, ye Lingsheng's swagger has been protected by Gu Yejin in her wings. She has not become a plaything for those people to share their food. Now Ye Ling is out of sight and everything is out of control.

"Sister Hua, I'm going to look for Ling Ling according to this address. It's urgent to find her as soon as possible. Don't call the police for the moment. Lingling is a member of the entertainment industry. Any slight disturbance can cause a great disturbance. Since others have left the address, this address should not be asked. You can contact Gu Yejin immediately. He is more effective than the police!"

When you are in a crisis, you should be careful when you meet her



Xia Xiwan took a taxi and drove all the way to the address.

On the way, the driver's uncle asked curiously, "girl, are you going to the reception?"

"Cocktail party?"

"Yes, this address is a very famous private winery in the imperial capital. There is a luxurious private wine party regularly held here. But girl, I think you are a good girl of decent people, so I sincerely advise you that the wine party is quite extravagant. It is a place where a group of rich people have fun. It is said that the owner of the private winery will invite some beautiful women to auction at the reception The higher the better. "

The sharp and cold broken light twinkles in the bright Jian pupil of Xia Xi Wan. It turns out that Liu Zhaodi threw Ye Ling to such a party!

Liu Zhaodi is now the leading mother of the Lu family. She has also met Lu sijue in Haicheng for three months. Lu sijue is deep and terrifying, and his means are fierce and terrifying. But he is very magnanimous. If he wants your life, he will tell you that I am going to kill you. Stab him with a knife. Although Xia Xiwan does not like him, she has to admit that such a man who indulges in shopping malls is a real palm The right.

But Liu Zhaodi is insidious and dirty. Xia Xiwan really doesn't understand how the mother in charge of the Lu family can use such mean and cruel means?

Lu's men, Lu sijue, Lu Hanting and Lu Zixian are all the real favourites of heaven. Xia Xiwan feels that a Liu Zhaodi instantly lowers the whole Lu family's level!

Ye Ling has always been the most charming red rose in the entertainment industry. She fell into the men's cave, and the consequences were unimaginable.

"Master, I didn't go to the reception. I had a friend cheated to the party. I went to her and wanted to take her home."

"Girl, be careful. Everyone wears masks and covers their faces at the private reception. Many abnormal people are exposed. By the way, I heard that there was a top beauty at the private party today, so today's reception is very lively. Everyone comes to auction the top beauty."

Top beauty?

Xia Xiwan almost instantly affirmed that the top beauty to be auctioned must be Ye Ling!

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