Several maids stopped Xia Xiwan's, "Sir, madam, I'm sorry, but we can't stop..."

Lu sijue looked at Xia Xiwan. There was no wave in his gloomy eyes. He lifted his thin lips and said, "it's OK. Go down."

"Yes, sir."

The maids all retired.

Liu Zhaodi coldly looked at Xia Xiwan by the door. "Miss Xia, you are really brave. You even break into Lu's home at night?"

Xia Xiwan was really brave. He came out of the private party and went to the Lu family alone. No one in the imperial capital dared to do so.

Xia Xiwan's clear water eyes were twinkling, and there were stars inside. She was intelligent and calm. She lifted her feet and looked at Liu Zhaodi lightly. Then her eyes fell on Lu sijue's body. "It's so late that I venture to disturb you. I'm looking for uncle Lu instead of you."

Liu Zhaodi stagnated for a moment and looked at Lu sijue, "Si Jue, do you know this Xia Xiwan?"

Lu sijue didn't answer this question. His expression was light. Looking at his poise and dignity, he pointed to the sofa. He said, "Miss Xia, please sit down."

"No, I came to see Uncle Lu today because I went to a private winery and saw a collection of paintings, so I sent them to Uncle Lu to have a look."

Liu Zhaodi's heart leaps, because Xia Xiwan is not cold and light and mentions the four words "private winery".

Sure enough, Lu sijue's heroic brow picked slightly and caught the key point, "how did Miss Xia go to the private winery?"

"I don't know. Uncle Lu can ask your wife about this question!" Xia Xiwan smiles and says sweetly, but the front cold light bursts out in the eyebrow.

Liu Zhaodi was completely paralyzed. She never expected that Xia Xiwan would fight back so quickly. Her counterattack was quick and fierce. Unexpectedly, she rushed to land and Si Jue came!

At this time, Liu Zhaodi felt that a line of sight fell on her face. She looked up and ran into Lu sijue's narrow eyes as deep as a cold pool.

Lu sijue narrowed his eyes slowly, with a silent look in his eyes, which made Liu Zhaodi's scalp numb.

Liu Zhaodi's face turned white and her hands and feet were cold.

"Uncle Lu, in the past, our cooperation was very happy. I always kept my promise and never crossed the line. I hope you are too. Take care of your Mrs. Lu and let her not offend me, otherwise Uncle Lu should be very clear about me. If someone dares to attack my relatives and friends, I will try my best! " Summer evening line sonorous powerful said.

Liu Zhaodi is so stupid that she doesn't know what Xia Xiwan is talking about. She is a 20-year-old girl who dares to talk to Lu sijue like this.

Lu sijue's reaction is also very delicate, he is not angry at all, just lightly nodded his head, "Miss Xia, there won't be another time."

"That's good. By the way, this painting should be presented to Uncle Lu." Xia Xiwan handed the scroll to Lu sijue.

Lu Si Jue reached out and opened it, his finger slightly stagnated.

Liu Zhaodi naturally saw it. She widened her eyes in horror and looked at Xia Xiwan in shock. It was not enough for her to break into Lu's home at night. She even sent over Liu Yingluo's painting scroll. This girl is so bold!

"Uncle Lu built a Jiao's house in those days. I didn't expect that I would be lucky to see the first beauty of this magnificent imperial capital for more than 20 years. This painting has been treasured by the owner of the private winery. It must be the fan of the first beauty." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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