Xia Xiwan lifted her eyes, her long feather quickly trembled, Lu Hanting came!

Lu Hanting doesn't know when he will come. He is standing in a corner now. The dim light makes his handsome face bright and dark. He can't see his face clearly. But his deep narrow eyes are staring at her body, which is dark and cold, and shows some disgust.

He looked at her with a frigid look, as if she were something dirty.

Xia Xiwan's heart seems to be stung by a bee, which is full of pain.

She knew that he hated her, but did not know why, he seemed to hate her a little bit, he already hated her very much.

At this time, Li Yan Ran also saw Lu Hanting. She quickly ran over and said with a sweet smile, "brother Hanting, how did you come?"

Lu Hanting withdrew his eyes from Xia Xiwan's face, looked at Li Yanran in front of him, and said in a low voice, "there's a party, so here we are. We saw you together just now. Are you not hurt?"

"No," Li Yanran, who was concerned, laughed like a flower. She explained, "brother Han Ting, there was a misunderstanding just now. Mingzhu thought that Xia Xiwan was with Lu Er Shao. Now Xu Shao suddenly appeared and said that Xia Xiwan was his woman Oh, this relationship is so chaotic. Which boy is Xia Xiwan dating? "

Xia Xiwan naturally heard Li Yanran's words, this Li Yan Ran deliberately discredits her, on the other hand, said she was promiscuous in the relationship between men and women.

Xia Xiwan came up with the sound, but at this time came Lu Hanting's low and indifferent voice, "don't waste time on such people, it's not worth it."

Xia Xiwan's white fingers suddenly curled up. He said she was "this kind of person". What kind of person is she?

Xu shaonan squinted at the dangerous peach blossom eyes, "Lu Shao, long time no see. Who are you talking about just now?"

Lu Hanting lifted his handsome eyelids, and his eyes fell on Xu shaonan's beautiful face. The two men looked at each other and sparkled.

"Xu Shao why knowingly asked, I said is you, I would also like to sincerely warn you that if the body is too dirty, it is best to do an AIDS test." Lu Hanting hooked thin lips, spit out the most cynical words.


These three words make Xia Xiwan's pupil shrink fiercely. She looks at the tall and upright Lu Hanting and his thin lips. She can hardly understand what he is saying.

How could he Say that about her?

Xu shaonan's beautiful face suddenly cooled down, showing a bit of evil spirit, "Lu Hanting, you ate the gunpowder, you want to fight with me, just say it, just my hand is itchy."

Lu Hanting's narrow eyes were like the ink sprinkled, thick and deep, and his heroic eyebrows were picked up. He casually hooked his lips and said with a smile, "well, I heard that Xu Shao has defeated the imperial capital all over the world, but on the premise that I am not in the imperial capital, now I am willing to practice with Xu Shao!"


People were stunned, including Li Yanran and yemingzhu. This was originally a woman's battlefield, but when the two men came along, they did not agree with each other.

These two men, it seems that there is no intersection between them. What are they fighting for?

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